How to deal with failure in a positive way


Most people aim for success and avoid failure, but nobody can be successful all of the time. But that's ok, because failure can teach us all we need to know to achieve success next time around.
Slide Set by lizcortland, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lizcortland about 9 years ago

Resource summary

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    Using failure to achieve success
    We should all strive for success in all the areas of life that are important to us - in our education, our careers, our passions and our social lives. But that doesn't mean that failure is something that we should fear, or something that should stop us achieving success.In fact failure is a key part of success. That's why there's no need to worry when you don't meet the expectations you've set for yourself. Everybody fails at some stage, what's important is what you take from your failure and how you use it to better yourself. Here are some tips for building up your mental resilience and using failure to your advantage.

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    1.Turn negatives into positives
    Failing is never a pleasant experience. It doesn't matter whether it's failing to finish a 10k run or getting the marks you wanted in an exam.But don’t take failure as a blow to your self-esteem. Instead, look at it as a learning opportunity. So rather than thinking: “I'm just no good at maths”; ask yourself: “Now I know some areas that I need to improve in, so what can I do to get stronger in these areas? ”

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    2.There'll be other chances to get it right
    Why believe that failure is the end of the line? It isn't! There will always be other ways of moving forward as long as you have decided to learn from your mistakes.Those who find the greatest degree of success are those who are determined to always strive for improvement. It is not about achieving perfection. Not only should you take this approach when studying or coming close to exams, but elsewhere too - for job interviews, group projects, and so on. 

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    3.Don't take it personally
    If you don't do so well in a test or assessment, remember that it is based on your work and not you. Always try to listen to criticism so that you can avoid making the same mistakes next time. Taking failure to heart is of course understandable, but dwelling on it too much will be destructive rather than constructive in the long term.Besides, look at things from assessor's point of view – did the person who marked your test have any option other option if your answers weren't correct? Of course not, that's why it's in your best interest to look at your situation as objectively as you can.
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