Politics, Society and ACTivism


Abordagem temática, usando elementos: manifestações sociais, fragmentos de vestibulares, construção de opiniões e análise textual. Objetiva-se a obtenção do conhecimento acerca da construção textual em inglês, uma maneira simplificada de entender como elaborar um texto e analisar os elementos textual e suas funções para se gerar uma pensamento solido e conciso; em língua inglesa.
Nícolas M. Freitas
Slide Set by Nícolas M. Freitas, updated more than 1 year ago
Nícolas M. Freitas
Created by Nícolas M. Freitas about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Politics, Society and ACTivism
                                       Analysis and Compounding of Sentences,                                               Connective Words and                                                  Comprehension

Slide 2

      1)Discuss about PSACT!   2)Relationship among People and Activism in World   3)So.. In your opinion, which are you thinking about?   4)A wave of anger is sweeping the cities of the world!.. Do you believe that?
    Politics, Society and ACTivism

Slide 3

    A wave of anger is sweeping the cities of the world (Part 1)
    The protests have many different origins. In Brazil people rose up against bus fares, in Turkey against a building project. Indonesians have rejected higher fuel prices. In the euro zone they march against austerity, and the Arab spring has becomea perma-protest against pretty much everything.Yet just as in 1848, 1968 and 1989, when people also found a collective voice, the demonstrators have much in common. In one country after another, protesters have risen up with bewildering speed. They tend to be ordinary, middle-class people, not lobbies with lists of demands. 
    Their mix of revelry and rage condemns the corruption, inefficiency and arrogance of the folk in charge.Nobody can know how 2013 will change the world – if at all. In 1989 the Soviet empire teetered and fell. But Marx’s belief that 1848 was the first wave of a proletarian revolution was confounded by decades of flourishing capitalism and 1968 did more to change sex than politics. Even now, though, the elementary significance of 2013 is discernible. And for politicians who want to peddle the same old stuff, news is not good.

Slide 4

    A wave of anger is sweeping the cities of the world (Part 2)
    Ao comparar os protestos de 2013 com movimentos políticos passados, afirma-se, no texto, que não se sabe se os protestos de 2013 mudarão o mundo?       ● Use frases simples         ● Use palavras para conectar ideias

Slide 5

    FUVEST '14 - Fragmentos de Língua Estrangeira Moderna (LEM) - (Inglês)
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