Módulo I


A primeira aula tende a compreender o nível do aluno e introduzi-lo a matéria.
Vanessa Idelfonsa
Slide Set by Vanessa Idelfonsa, updated 5 days ago
Vanessa Idelfonsa
Created by Vanessa Idelfonsa 5 days ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Bem vindo aluno(a)
    Esse é o primeiro módulo do seu curso. Vamos começar entendendo o seu nível de aprendizagem? Abaixo você vai ler dois textos básicos que vão medir seu nível de inglês, após a leitura, grife as palavras que você conhece e encaminhe nesse link aqui https://chat.whatsapp.com/I0jkYcMEvkvEKs8qJwg6vr

Slide 2

    Leia esses dois textos e grife as palavras
    The internet The internet is one of the most amazing inventions in modern history. It all began in the 1960s when scientists created a way for computers to talk to each other. This network of connected computers grew over time, and in the 1990s, the internet became accessible to the public. Today, it plays a crucial role in our lives, allowing us to connect with people from all over the world, find information, and enjoy a world of entertainment. Thanks to this incredible invention, the way we communicate and learn has been transformed, making the world a smaller and more connected place.
    The Universal Language Music is a wonderful form of expression that people all around the world enjoy. It comes in many different styles, like pop, rock, classical, and jazz. When we listen to music, it can make us feel happy, calm, or excited. Some people play musical instruments like the guitar, piano, or drums to create their own music. Others love to sing and share their voices with the world. Music brings people together and helps us connect with our emotions. No matter where we come from or what language we speak, music is a universal language that unites us all in harmony.

Slide 3

Slide 4

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