1- Pronome Pessoala) do caso reto:I, you, he, she, it, we, you, theyEx: I love you.obs:The subject of a sentence is the person, animal,place or thing that does the action shown by the verb. b)do caso oblíquo:me, you, him, her,it, us, you, themEx: Don't look at me.obs: These pronouns are used as the object of the verb in asentence. The object of a sentence is the person, animal,place or thing that receives the action shown by the verb.2- Pronome Possessivo: nunca são seguidos de substantivos.mine, your,his, hers, ours, yours, theirsEx: The book is mine.a) Adjetivo Possessivo: sempre são seguidos de substantivos.my, your, his, her, its, our, you, theirEx: My house is so beautiful.
3- Pronome reflexivo: They refer to the person or animal that is the subject of the verb.myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves. Ex: I made this cake myself.4- Pronome demonstrativothis, that, these, those.5- Pronome Indefinidosome, any, no, none.