Beginnings of the legislative process


A level Law (Processes in Parliament) Slide Set on Beginnings of the legislative process , created by Ellie Goddard on 03/01/2017.
Ellie Goddard
Slide Set by Ellie Goddard, updated more than 1 year ago
Ellie Goddard
Created by Ellie Goddard about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Beginnings of the legislative process
    Green Paper White Paper Private Bill Public Bill Private Members Bill

Slide 2

    Green Paper and White Paper
    Green PaperThe green paper is issued, sent to interested parties indicating areas of concerning and asking for suggestions for a new law.
    White Paperformed through the responses of the green paper, which is concrete proposals for law reform

Slide 3

    Types of Bill 
    Private Bill - Affects individual people and corporations e.g. university college London actPublic Bill - Involves a matter of public policy and affects the whole country or a large section. Most government bills are in this section.Private Members Bill - sponsored by an individual MP. Few actually become law, however there are some success. e.g. the abortion act 1967 legalised abortion and the marriage act 1994 allows people to marry in any registered place. 
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