Microorganisms and Disease


Slide Set on Microorganisms and Disease, created by Anita bae on 08/03/2017.
Anita bae
Slide Set by Anita bae, updated more than 1 year ago
Anita bae
Created by Anita bae almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Microorganisms are organisms that are too small to see with the naked eye. Eg bacteria, viruses and some fungi.They can be beneficial to us like the bacteria in our intestine used to break down food and that creates benefcial vitamins. Or they can harm us like salmonella.They can be beneficial to us like the bacteria in our intestine used to break down food and that creates benefcial vitamins. Or they can harm us like salmonella.

Slide 2

    Symptoms of Infectious Disease
    Once inside the body, harmful microorganisms start to reproduce. As they grow in number they start to damage cells, often by bursting the cells (lysis). Sometimes they can also produce toxins (poison). When the damage to the cells or the amount of  toxin reaches a certain then the symptoms of the disease will appear.Examples of symptoms include a fever, a rash, vomiting and many more.Malaria parasites invade the red blood cells and cause lysis. These symptoms are fever like which can cause confusion.Some bacteria produce toxins thatinvade the body more deeply like staphylococcus bacteria which causes food poisioning.

Slide 3

    Reproduction Of Microorganisms
    Bacteria reproduce asexually by copying themselves. However they need moist warm conditions to survive which the body provides. They need certain pH levels food, water and oxygen. There are many places in the body where microorganisms can reproduce. This is the reason why we are often faced with different infection.

Slide 4

    The immune system
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