43 Expectations of Frequency Affect Attention


Slide Set on 43 Expectations of Frequency Affect Attention, created by Lorena Munoz on 08/03/2017.
Lorena Munoz
Slide Set by Lorena Munoz, updated more than 1 year ago
Lorena Munoz
Created by Lorena Munoz over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    43 Expectations of Frequency Affect Attention
    In Houston, Texas a businessman was able to sneak a gun in his laptop case while going through security at the airport. Security at the Houston airport did not detect the gun.Why situations like this happen?People unconsciously make a mental model of how often an event occurs. The more often an event occurs the more people pay attention. If an event rarely occurs people are more likely to miss it.When events are infrequent is important to use signs or any other clue so people can notice them.
    Caption: : Luggage going through scanners
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