78. Pastoral Scenes Make People Happy


Slide Set on 78. Pastoral Scenes Make People Happy, created by Sara Custer on 09/03/2017.
Sara Custer
Slide Set by Sara Custer, updated more than 1 year ago
Sara Custer
Created by Sara Custer almost 8 years ago
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Resource summary

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

    Caption: : Fredric Edwin Church – Twilight in the Wilderness, 1860
    Numerous other studies have been done – Mark Berman, 2008; Roger Ulrich, 1984; Peter Kahn, 2009 – to show the effects of "attention restoration", the brain's way of "resetting" after viewing a pastoral setting. In particular, Peter Kahn's study showed that people who were actually in the setting, not just viewing on a monitor or television, actually had a positive health effects, as well.
    Attention Restoration
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1 comment

almost 8 years ago
I like how you incorporated a video into your resource. Very nice.


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