AP World History Paleolithic Age + Neolithic Age Aug '17 (+ essays)


Slide Set on AP World History Paleolithic Age + Neolithic Age Aug '17 (+ essays), created by Kul Mood on 15/08/2017.
Kul Mood
Slide Set by Kul Mood, updated more than 1 year ago
Kul Mood
Created by Kul Mood over 7 years ago

Resource summary

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    AP World History: Paleolithic Age
            Paleolithic Age covers about 250,000 years ago of human technological history     Humans used  tools 10,00 yrs ago      Different environment , different tools

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    Paleolithic Societies
           Hunter - gatherer societies Use of fire ( biggest accomplishment ) , used for an aid in hunting and foraging , to protect against predators , and to adapt to environments         Humans were not producers , but collectors

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    Paleolithic Era 's First Peoples
            Humans started off in small bands that were able to travel with their food (nomads)   Only when people start to live in cities , diseases kill off some of the population.         Relationship : in big bands of people , the diseases spread much faster                             in small bands of people , the diseases spread much slower          Hunter - Gatherer societies kept people from growing into major cities  

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    Paleolithic Climate
            Interglacial periods in which climates greatly fluctuated between warm and cold temperature        Such things happened during the Ice Age     Climate changes =  Animal extinction  

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    Pastoralism and Neolithic Society
    1.What is it?  Pastoralists depended on domestication of animals far more than farming. They had cattle, sheep, goat,horses Were they part of the Agricultural Revolution? yes 2.Pastoral societies were mobile. They moved from one area to the next wherever animals could get vegetation to graze on. So they moved seasonally (as seasons changed) They were not just following their animals, they herded the animals instead. Where? They emerged in Central Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, the Sahara, Africa(east, South) 3. They developed weapons because of extensive travelling (spear heads etc) 4 How did they come about? They had less agricultural options- lacked water resources eg not near rivers so had to use other agricultural methods , this led to pastoralism (herding animals which they domesticated) 5. What animals in Which areas?  a) Camels in C Asia , Arabian Peninsula, Saharan Desert

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    Pastoralism in Neolithic Societies....
    b) Cattle in Grasslands South of Sahara in Africa and E. Africa supported cattle raising pastoralists Overgrazing resulted and negatively affected the enviroment c) Alpaca, Llama: in Americas there was little of the larger type of herd animals so they had no major domestication in americas so no major pastoralsim here except for Llama and alpaca.

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    Pastoralists vs Agriculturalists
    1. What type of relationship did they have? Pastoral societies were small kinship societies and some had powerful  military tribes that traded with agriculturalists However, sometimes conflicts arose as the rich farm areas had fertile soil and crops which the pastoralists needed for their animals. 2.Even though the pastoralists did not actively build up the agricultural societies and grow anything, they still were important in the overall agricultural society, since they traded with agricultural societies providing them with milk, furs for winter, provided transport. 3. Pastoralists were leaders in weaponary and wheeled transportation, so provided this new technology to the Agricultural Revolution 4. Did not use hunter gatherer practices

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    Essay: Technological changes in Neolithic Time
    Just developing agriculture was s the first step that brought civilization.  Then early neolithic people did problem solving  for their farming and next developed pottery and tools from the Paleolithic were sharpened and irrigation for the farms, transport to plow the fields   1. Prior to the Neolithic period, early humans were nomadic. The Neolithic period was when they settled and created beginner civilizations near water resources. This agriculture was their first technological advancement. Humans manipulated their environment. This provided them with surplus food and they spent less time hunting and gathering.   This allowed them to grow surplus crops and keep domesticated animals. Eventually, cities developed. Humans were no longer food collecting societies(Paleolithic) as they were now food producers(Neolithic) 2, Tools and pottery Humans now had more time available to try to solve problems and make life easier. With the excess food supply, they needed some type of food storage so developed pottery. they would use clay to shape into pots and heat that up until it hardened. Neolithic period is also called the New Stone Age. Humans made stone tools shaped by polishing and grinding stone pieces. 3.Irrigation system: they were able to make canals to guide water from the water from the major rivers to their plant crops.  4. They invented forms of transport using domesticated animals to pull  They used this transport to plow their fields.

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    Analyze how Paleolithic changed to Neolithic
    1. Neolithic = new Stone Age. Paleolithic=old Stone Age 2. Dwelling: Paleolithic humans lived in caves, huts, skin tents and as they learned how to make pottery to store their grains they learned they could make bricks from clay/mud that were heated up. This eventually led to mud dwellings. 3. Lifestyle: Paleolithic society was nomadic hunting animals and gathering fruit until the women learned to plant seeds in the soil. They also discovered that the rivers that flooded the banks, made the soil rich which allowed the crops to grow more easily along the river banks. This all leads to Neolithic society forming because the Paleolithic society settled along the river banks and were now food producers, instead of hunter gatherers. This also transformed them from nomadic traveling from place to place to sedentary societies (farming communities ) 4. Tools: they used chipped stone and wooden weapons in the Paleolithic era but as their needs changed they use stone more and learned to sharpen their old tools by grinding them on the stone.  5. Clothes: Paleolithic society dressed in animal skin and Neolithic societies were able to make woven cloth from their crops. So Neolithic people dressed in animal skins and woven cloth. 6. Governing: Paleolithic society was controlled by those that were elderly or stronger.  Neolithic society had religious leaders and monarchs emerged. There were different social classes. 7.Economy. Paleolithic society had no economy. Neolithic society developed farming and kept domesticated animals so they took ownership of their property. They also traded goods. 8. Food: Paleolithic gathered and hunted while Neolithic grew crops like corn, wheat, beans, rice

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    Compare the different ancient religions
    Early humans had some sort of idea of spirituality which grew and became more organized as they became more civilized. Paleolithic society seemed to practice spirituality. 1. Paleolithic people had some spiritual beliefs as they created artwork on rocks and cave walls showing some form of animal worship and hunting rituals.  They also intentionally buried their dead and may have had spiritual burial rituals to help the dead transcend. They buried goods or tools in the burial sites.They had female deities.  Aborigines had a belief in after life(evidence of Dreamtime which spoke of ancestral spirit world) 2. Neolithic people: were now practicing agriculture and were no longer nomadic. They were able to sharpen stone and weave cloth.  They were able to create more symbols of their religion. Their lives revolved around the seasons, floods and weather due to their farming.  Their religion also revolved around these elements and with the fertility of their land came more worship of women deities or goddesses. The religions developed in Neolithic villages. 3, In fertile crescent: Zoroaster religion developed .  It was in present day City of Haret in Persia. a) In Afghanistan, there was the first dual religion system. A priest worshipped a god named Ahura Mazda as the only one God but opposers saw it as devil worship.  b)Worshippers had to have a moral choice. To do right or wrong? Right supported Ahura Mazda wishes. The Holy Book was "Avesta" Good deeds rewarded, bad deeds punished. Can only blame yourself for your position in life. c)Zor-asterism believed people had to prep for final judgment day before Ahura Mazda. d) the flesh is considered impure so they allowed birds to eat the flesh of the dead, and buried the bones. 4. Judaism: newer religions 5. Christianity 6. Hinduism Indo- Aryan migration in Indian subcontinent.  They had a caste system. Same linguistic family as Latin, Greek, Hittites.          

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    San vs Chumash
    San 1. in S. A in present day Angola, Namibia, and Botswana. In Kalahari desert lived here 5000 yrs since Paleolithic times- use same stone tools for hunting/gathering 2.  Khoisan language- clicks,  3.San Rock Art- best is Linton panel 6m long, depicts a Shaman priest in a religious trance shows religious dance of San people 4. Lifestyle - high standard of living a) shorter work week b)gender roles = egalitarian (equal rights) c) healthy eating, huts for housing  d)Religion: a limited view of the universe                    small family if  Gods/ Goddesses and believed in spirits                    Healing practices                    Shaman beliefs Chumash 1.lived in S. California near Santa Barbara 2. Native Americans have lived there over 13000 yrs 3. More complex society than San in SA. Chumash was richer in a varied environment. They developed a complex society. They became more stable because of trade etc vs hunter -gatherer societies. 4. Food was not limited- or short-  5. They developed the Tomol Society.: Brotherhood of Tomol: Tomol was a canoe. Owning a tomol showed power and strength. 6.Transport via Tomol: for transport of animal products, plants, tools, and helped trade.                                      

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    Trade in River Valley Civilization
    1.Egyptians traded with people in South in the Desert areas but also had to use the Nile River to trade . They traded agricultural products. They developed boats and carts driven by animals. Used Nile River . 2. Indus Valley relied on agriculture and trade.  They developed carts and boats to transport goods. Used Indus River for agriculture and transport. 3. Mesopotamia:  Used Tigris and Euphrates   rivers. These Sumerian societies relied on farming, agriculture and trade.  They did not have natural resources. Anything from oil, grains etc had to be acquired from trading sheep, goats. used donkeys, wagons, carts, boats to transport. Also traded copper, ivory etc 4. China: Yellow River civilization traded Bronze, Iron, Fish, cattle. 

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    Different Social structures in neolithic/River Valley civilizations
    1. Mesopotamia: had monarchs. Each location had a city state which governed their area and reported to the monarch. City states united into first empires. They developed Cuneiform 2. Egypt: Pharaohs ruled the kingdom. Pharaohs built Pyramids. They had a social hierarchy. They developed hieroglyphs 3. Indus: Strong centralized govt Planned cities.  Plumbing and sewage systems. They had a grid system to build cities. Writing not deciphered yet. 4. China:  sharp social divisions. The mandate of Heaven. Writing developed with art. Had bronze coins for trade. Silk trade

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