Emmerson Unit 2


Flashcards on Emmerson Unit 2, created by Sonam Bhuka on 02/01/2018.
Sonam Bhuka
Flashcards by Sonam Bhuka, updated more than 1 year ago
Sonam Bhuka
Created by Sonam Bhuka about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is: a) inward investment b) BRIC c) FDI a) inländische Investitionen b) Brazil, Russia, India, China = emerging markets c) Foreign direct investment: buy property and businesses to create overseas divisions, joint ventures. has the highest risk but gives most control
What is the business cycle Recovery Growth Recession Depression
Synonym for: Recovery Growth Recession Depression Upswing Expansion / Boom contraction / downturn slump
mutually exclusive sich gegenseitig ausschliessend
What is: a) Subsidiary b) Joint Venture a) company owned by another company b) Two or more companies share costs & profits in a particular market, but keep their separate identities
What is: Balance of trade Difference between a nation's imports and exports. If it exports more = trade surplus, otherwise trade deficit
The balance of payments? wider measure than the balance of trade; next to imports&exports, it includes services and investments
subsidy money paid by a government to support a business
synonym for bureaucracy red tape
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