Unit 6


Flashcards on Unit 6, created by Sonam Bhuka on 04/01/2018.
Sonam Bhuka
Flashcards by Sonam Bhuka, updated more than 1 year ago
Sonam Bhuka
Created by Sonam Bhuka almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What's a plant factory / facility: a place where production happens
Sequencing? A key stage in the manufacturing process: supervisor decides which workstation will carry out which task in which order
Dispatching? A key stage in the manufacturing process: supervisor authorizes tasks to begin
Loading? A key stage in the manufacturing process: materials or parts are introduced to an operation so that it can begin
WIP? work-in-progress: is the sum of all costs put into the production process to manufacture products that are partially completed
throughput =Durchsatz: the rate at which work goes through the system
JIT just-in-time: inventory strategy; denoting a manufacturing system in which materials or components are delivered immediately before they are required in order to minimize storage costs
kaizen means continuous improvement, is a corporate culture; used in lean manufacturing; Japanese word
TQM = total quality management: covers the whole organization, from areas like process control and product testing to determining customer needs and dealing with complaints
Six Sigma Is an international standard for measuring quality: a statistical measure, means fewer than 3.4 defects per million items produced
batch process production process: groups of products of the same type move through the process
job production? production process: low volume, opportunities for customization (eg aircraft)
the bottleneck in manufacturing? a specific problem that causes delays to a whole process
fit-for-purpose? a product that serves its intended function, without any extra features
good value-for-money? a product that has good quality in relation to its price
changeover time? the time between one job/batch finishing and the next one beginning
cycle time? the time taken for a given job/batch to pass through all the operations needed
time-to-market the time required from the initial concept for a new product to when it first goes on sale
collocation Zusammenstellung
to assess bewerten, beurteilen
excess (adj) = spare überschüssig, vorig
benchmarking take the best practice of your competitors or your own result as a standard. Then try to match or even exceed this standard
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