Part 1: Additive Manufacturing – Definition, technologies, history, background


Flashcards on Part 1: Additive Manufacturing – Definition, technologies, history, background, created by Nils von der Heide on 05/02/2019.
Nils von der Heide
Flashcards by Nils von der Heide, updated more than 1 year ago
Nils von der Heide
Created by Nils von der Heide over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How much data is generated every day and how much will the world wide data inventory be in 2020? - 2 exabytes a day - 40 zettabytes data in 2020 (40 trillion CDs of data)
Name 6 of the „digital factory“ components which are used today! - Connected sensor - 3D printing - Virtual/augmented reality - Artificial Intelligence - Humanoid robots - Drones
Name a main reason why industry 4.0 was initiated! The individualization of products using mass production methods.
Define Additive Manufacturing! “Additive” summarizes all manufacturing processes in which the material for producing a part is added layer by layer
Name four outcomes of the digital revolution! - new companies - new business models - new operations - personalization
Name four outcomes of the digitalization of production! - complex geometries - short setup times - new materials - mass customization
How many companies of the electronics industry used AM in 2016? 30 %
Name 7 AM technologies! - Material extrusion - Material jetting - Binder jetting - Vat photopolymerization - seht lamination - powder bed fusion - directed energy deposition
Name 8 materials that are used for AM! - polymers - composites - metals - hybrid metals - ceramics - investment casting patterns - sand molds and cores - paper
Name the 5 production steps in 3D printing! - Digital design of 3D model - preparation of construction process - construction process - possible post-construction - use of printed object
What are the volumes for the world's largest 3D printing system for sand? 4 x 2 x 1 meter
Name three technologies for AM with polymers! - Fused deposition Modeling (FDM) - Stereolithography (SLA) - Multi Jet Modeling (MJM)
Name 8 advantages of AM! - digital parts inventory - Mass customization - Distributed manufacturing - weight reduction / resource efficiency - short setup times - new materials - on-demand manufacturing - complex geometries
What is required for metal powders to be used in AM? - spherical shape to ensure good flow - particle size usually below 50/150 µm - particle size distribution - controlled chemical composition - controlled gas content
Name the 5 industries where AM printing was used the most in 2017! - general industry (18,8%) - aerospace (18,2%) - automotive (14,8%) - consumer (12,8%) - healthcare (11%)
Name the 4 steps in Oerlikons end-to-end AM value chain! 1. Material design & powder producer 2. design optimization 3. additive fabrication 4. post-processing
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