Part 3: Digitalization and material science as key levers for the development of Additive Manufacturing


Flashcards on Part 3: Digitalization and material science as key levers for the development of Additive Manufacturing, created by Nils von der Heide on 07/02/2019.
Nils von der Heide
Flashcards by Nils von der Heide, updated more than 1 year ago
Nils von der Heide
Created by Nils von der Heide over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name AM benefits for Airbus in their product lifecycle! Regarding 1. New products 2. serial production 3. In service 1. functional prototyping, long lead time items, ease of design evolution 2. mitigate supply disruption, optimized parts production, more integrated structures 3. repair solutions, spare parts, supplier obsolescence
What is changing with Big Data? - 90% of global data has been created in last two years - amount of stored data grows 4x faster than world economy - substantial shift of economic power and source of economic value - increasing amount of data enables a better quality approach
How much data will the entire data base in 2020 consist and how much of it is in the cloud? 40.026 Exabyte total data 14.996 exabyte in cloud
Show the Share of Web Traffic by Device! - 52% Mobile phones - 43% laptops & desktops - 4% tablets - 0,14% other devices
Name the biggest internal und external challenges for digital strategy at companies! - Internal: benefits are unclear, cost of implementation are seen critically, suitable financing models are missed - External: lack of technical standard, uncertainty about data protection
What does successful transition to a digital master require? - create new value propositions for customers - become digital- and model-based-enterprise - Understand interaction of customer and own value chain
Name 4 Challenges posed by digitalization! 1. Investment in Digitalization 2. New customer needs: Individual is the new standard 3. Meet customer demand in times of fast changing needs 4. Adapt to the new digital world
How can a company overcome the challenge of Investing in Digitalization? - Investing 10% of annual revenue in IT infrastructure - New recruiting strategy for skilled workers - Make digitalization top priority and make sure every employee becomes part of digital change
What are outcomes of the new customer needs? - digitalization strengthens role of customer - Individual is new standard - Standard of future: adaptive products - customer needs change faster than providers
Name 4 digital enablers! - People & organization - Data & analytics - Technology - Ecosystems
Name the Drivers for competitiveness in the industrial environment! - Energy and resource efficiency as decisive competitive factors - Shorten time to market (shorter innovation cycle, complex products, bigger data volume) - Increased flexibility (Individualized mass production, volatility, high productivity)
Name the four cornerstones of a digital enterprise! - use of intelligent models - integrated value chain with seamless engineering - modular, networked, secure automation - transparent factory, internally and externally networked
Name 7 technology drivers which enable digitalization! - Machine learning - additive/hybrid manufacturing - knowledge automation - big data analysis - digital twin - advanced robotics - Cyber-physical systems
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