IT und Gesellschaft Lecture III


Flashcards on IT und Gesellschaft Lecture III, created by Mikael Caselitz on 03/09/2019.
Mikael Caselitz
Flashcards by Mikael Caselitz, updated more than 1 year ago
Mikael Caselitz
Created by Mikael Caselitz about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the GDPR? General Data Protection Regulation its a regulation ("Verordnung"), not a directive ("Richtlinie") For all individuals located int EU
Data Protection Seperate right from Privacy under EU Charter concept of fundamental right to control data aout oneself
Personal Data any information relationg to identified or identifiable data subject
Data subject a natural living person
Controller the owner of the data
Automated individual decision making Making decision solely by automated means without any human interaction
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