Created by Gjylferije Murat
over 9 years ago
Question | Answer |
absenteeism | Schwänzen - staying away from work, especially often and without good reasons |
achievement | Erfolg - the acot or process of doing sth successfully, especially using your own effort and skill |
acknowledged | zu würdigen wissen - accepted publicly as having a particular status or authority, or as having achieved sth |
alignment | Harmonisieren/anpassen - the correct relationship of thins with each other |
annual bonus | jährl. Bonus - extra money that is added to sb's wages once a year, as a reward |
appreciation | Anerkennung - the feeling of being grateful for sth or of noticing sb's good qualities, good work etc. |
attendance reward | Anwesenheit belohnen - sth such as extra money that is given to sb because they have come to work regularly and not missed any days |
autonomy | Selbständig - the ability to act and make decisions without being controlled by anyone else |
better (yourself) | weiterentwickeln - to improve your social position through education, a better job etc. |
boost staff morale | jdm. moralischen Auftrieb geben - to increase the conidence and enthusiasm of staff |
break the ice | Das Eis brechen - to say or do sth that helps people to fell relaxed and to start talking, expacially at the beginning of a meeting, party etc. |
bump into | hereinplumpsen / zufällig treffen - to meet sb by chance |
commission | Provision - an amount of money that is paid to sb for selling goods and which increases with the amount of goods that are sold |
company car | Geschäftsauto - a car which is provided by the company that you work for |
compensation plan | Vergütungsplan - everything that an employee receives from their employer |
dead-end job | Beruf ohne Aufstiegschanen - a job with low wages an no hope of promotion or improvement |
development | Bildung - the process of gradually improving by learing more, becoming more advanced, etc. |
discount | Preisnachlass -an amount of mney that is taken off the usual cost of sth |
fare | Reisespesen - the money that you pay to travel by bus, plane, taxi etc. |
feel valued | sich geschätzt fühlen - to feel that you and what you do are considered important by other people |
filter through | bekannt werden - to reach or become known by more people |
foster loyalty | Loyalitätspflege - to encourage people to feel faithful in their support of sth such as an organization |
fulfilment | Erfüllung - a feelingof being happy and statisfield with what you are doing or have done |
generous | grosszügig - giving a large amount, giving freely |
gossip | Tratschen - informal talk or stories about other people's private lives, that may be unkind or not true |
hire | einstellen - person who has recently been given a job by a company |
horticulture | Gartenbau - the study or practice of growing flowers, fuit and vegetables |
improve performance | Leistungs verbessern - to make people do sth better or work more effecively |
incentive scheme | Prämiensystem - a plan or system for encouraging people to do sth or to work harder by rewarding them |
intervene | dazwischen kommen - to become involved in a situation in order to improve or help it |
make the grade | den Anforderungen gerecht werden - to reach the necessary standard, to succeed |
misconception | Fehlvorstellung - a belief or an idea that is not based on correct information |
motivate | motivieren - to make sb want to do sth, especially sth that involves hard work and effort |
non-chash rewards | Belohnung ohne Geld - sth other than money that you are given becuase you have done sth good, worked hard |
non-contributory pension plan | beitragsfreie Altersvorsorge - system of making regular payments into a fund for when a person retieres, that is paid for the employer and not the employee, a pension plan |
on-time bonus | einmalige Bonuszahlung - an extra amount of money that is added to sb's wages as a reward for regularly coming to work at the correct time |
perceived | wahrgenommen - understood or thought of in a particular way by people |
perk | Vergünstigungen -sth you receive as well as your wages for doing a particular job |
positive feedback | gutes Feedback erhalten - comments that sth or sb's work is good or useful |
praise | loben - words that show approval of or admirations for sb/sth |
private medical insurance | private Krankenkassenversicherung - an arrangement in which regular payments are made to a company which will pay for private medical care for sb if they are sick/ill |
profit-sharing scheme | Gewinnbeteiligungsplan - a system of dividing all r some of a company's profits among its employees |
range | Auswahl - a set of products of a particular type |
recognition | Anerkennung - public praise and reward for sb's work or actions |
remark | Anmerkung - sth that you say you write which expresses an opinion, a thought, etc. about sth/sb |
remuneration package | Arbeitsentgelt Paket - the pay and other benefits that sb gets for doing their job |
satisfaction | Zufriedenstellung - the good feeling that you have when you have achieved sth or when things happen in the way that you want |
staff discount | Personalrabatt - an amount of money that i taken off the usual cost o sth when it is sold to an employee of the company that makes or provides it |
staff retention | Mitarbeiterbindung - the action of keeping employees at the same company rather than losing them to other companies |
subsidiary | Untergeordnet - a business company that is owned or controlley by another larger company |
time in lieu | Überstunden abbauen/entschädigen - time off that an employee is allowed to take in return for extra hours they have worked at other times |
various | unterschiedlich - several, different |
vary | variieren, abweichen - to change or be different according to the situation |
voucher | Gutschein - a printed piece of paper that can be used instead of money to pay for sth, or that allows you to pay less than usual price of sth |
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