Question | Answer |
Acquaintance | Bekannter - a person that you know, but who is not a close friend |
arrogant | arrogant - behaving in a proud, unpleasant way |
banquet | Bankett - a formal meal for a large number of people, usually for a special occasion, at which speeches are ofen made |
bargain | verhandeln - to discuss prices, conditions, etc. with sb in order to reach an agreement that is acceptable |
bound | vorherbestimmt - sth is certain or very likely to happen |
build a relationship | eine Beziehung aufbauen - to create or develop a friendly way of working or dealing with someone |
cabinet | Schrank - a piece of furniture with doors, drawers and/or shelves that is used for storing or showing things |
caterer | Gastronom / Caterer - person or company whose job is to provide food an drinks at a business meeting or for a special occasion |
come across | gut rüberkommen - to make a particular impression |
complex | komplex - difficult to understand because of being made of many different things or parts |
confident | selbstsicher - hier gewiss - feeling certain that sth will happen in the way that you want or expec |
confirm | bestätigen - to state that sth is definitely true or correct, or that an arrangement is definite or official |
create an impression | Eindruck hinterlassen - to give people a particular feeling, idea, or opinion the first time they see sth or meet sb |
creativity | kreativ - the quality of being able to produce new ideas or works of art using skill an imagination |
exhibition | Messe/Ausstellung - a collection of things of a similar kind that are shown to the public |
expensive | teuer - costing a lot of money |
extravagance | Extravaganz - the act or habit of spending more money than you can afford or than is necessary |
favourable | vorteilhaft/wohlgesinnt - making people have a good opinion of sb/sth |
forge | erfinden/aufbauen - to create or develop sth successful using a lot of effort |
functional | funktional - practical and useful |
gain | verdienen/erreichen - to obtain or win sth such as an advantage or benefit |
glossy | glänzend - printed on smooth, shiny, expensive paper |
have a reputation | bekannt sein - to be thought of in a particular way, because of what you have done in the past |
ineffective | erfolglos - not practical or useful |
innovation | Innovation - the introduction of new things, ideas, or ways of doing sth |
interpret | übersetzen - to translate one language into another as you hear it |
maternity leave | Mutterschaftsurlaub - a period of time when a woman temporarily leaves her job to have a baby |
modest | bescheiden - not very lage, expensive, important etc. |
ostentatious | prahlerisch - expensive or noticeable in a way that is intended to impress people |
phenomenon | Phänomen/Erscheinung - a fact or an event in a nature or society |
portfolio | Portfolio - a collection of photographs, drawings etc. that you use as an aexaple of your work, especially when applying for a job |
premises | Geschäftsraume - the building and the land around it that a business uses |
principles | Prinzipien - moral rules or strong beliefs that influence your actions |
professionalism | Professionalität - the high standard that you expect from a person who is well trained in a particular job |
project an image | etwas präsentieren - to present sb/sth or yourself to other people in a particular way, espaciallay one that gives a good impression |
proof reading | Korrekturlesen - the process of checking a copy of printed material and correcting mistakes in it before it is published |
provisionally | provisorisch - in a way that is not yet definite |
rapport | Rapport - a friendly realationship in which people understand each other well |
real estate | Grundeigentum - property in the form of land or buildings |
recent | kürzlich - that happened or began only a short time ago |
recommend | empfehlen -to tell sb that sth is good or useful |
referral | Zuweisung -the act of sending sb who needs professional help to a person or place that can provide it |
regarding | wegen/betreffend - concerning sb/sth about sb/sth |
represent | darstellen/vertreten - to be a member of a company or group and act or speak on their behalf |
reputation | Reputation - the opinion that people have about what sb/sth is like, based on what has happened in the past |
standardized | standardisiert - made to have the same features or qualities as other things of the same type |
successful | erfolgreich - achieving your aims of achieving sucess, for example by making a lot of money |
suspicious | verdachterregend - feeling that sb has done sth wrong, illegal without having any proof |
switch | wechseln - to change from one thin to another |
synergy | Zusammenwirken - a relationship in which two or more people or comanies work together and achieve more energy, power, sucess, etc. that they could separately |
take a dislike to | eine Abneigung empfinden - to feel that you do not like sb/sth, espacially when this is sudden |
text | smslä - to send written messages using a mobile phone |
tradition | Tradition - a belief, custom, ,or way of doing sth that has existed for a long time among a particular group of people |
trustworthy | vertrauensvoll - that you can rely on to be good, hones, sincere, etc. |
wary | wachsam/carefully - careful when dealing with sb/sth because yu think that there may be a danger or problem |
word-of-mouth | Mundpropaganda - spread news by people telling each other |
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