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Th1L03 Amino acid (3 and 1 letter names)
Th01L02 Meningitis
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Th1L03: Nucleic Acids
Module by
Emma Allde
, updated more than 1 year ago
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Th1L01 Cells and organelles
Th01L02 Meningitis
Th1L03: Nucleic Acids
Th1L03 Amino acid (3 and 1 letter names)
Th1L03 Amino Acids cont.
Th1L03 Amino acids
Th03L03 Carbohydrates
Th01L03 Lipids
Th01L03 Proteins
Th1L03 Cholesterol
Th1L04: Peptide, Covalent and Non-Covalent Bonds
Th1L04 Alpha helices and beta pleated sheets
Th1L04 Misfolded protein disorders
Th1L04 Non-coded amino acids
Th1L04: Amino Acids and Proteins/ Protein Structure and Function (FCs)
Th1L05 Lipids and membrane structure
Th1L06 Intermediate Filaments
Th1L06 Actin
Th1L06 Microtubules
Th1L06 Lamellipodia (actin based movement)
Th1L06 Human diseases associated with the cytoskeleton
Th1L07 Enzymes
Th1L07 Enzymes (FC)
Th1L07 Co-enzymes
Th1L07 Clinical use of enzyme measurements
Th1L07 Competitive and non-competitive inhibitors
Th1L07 Regulation of enzyme activity
Th2L01 Prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic genes
Th2L01 Naming deoxynucleosides and nucleosides
Th2L01 Nucleic acids (FC)
Th2L01 Modification of histones
Th2L02 DNA replication
Th2L02 DNA replication
Th2L02 DNA damage and mutations
Th2L02 DNA repair mechanisms
Th2L03 Human karyotype
Th2L03 Chromosomal abnormalities
Th2L03 Monogenic disorders
Th2L03 Genetic testing
Th2L03 Modes of genetic inheritance