Consumer Psychology Public

Consumer Psychology

Mara  Bianca
Course by Mara Bianca , updated more than 1 year ago Contributors



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Lecture 3 -Emotions, feelings and moods      What is consumption?  You buy a car , that is a consumption, when you decide to go in Holiday to Germany that is a consumption.  But there is more than consumption than these, what we do now is consumption to teaching, because it was a deliberate decision to study and get a job. If you buy a house , whetever you invest money in stock that is consumption because you allocate resources to something. Decisions that we make everyday as human being are consumption decisions.    Video 2 - Introduction to emotions    Consumers do not buy most products for the functions but for the emotional meaning. We are selling emotions that we make available through selling products. This is the future of Marketing, but many managers at companies they do not understand what emotions are, how they can be created and how they drive consumer behaviour. *P2*   German video  /first there is peety for the grandfather who has to spent holidays alone, than sadness, than regret , followed by suprise when they realise that he fakes the funeral, followed by hapiness. So the director wanted to make an emotional rollercoster. Edika used it to spice up something that is usually unemotional activity * shopping for grocerry* . It was very very well recieved the video.    Coca Cola video In contrast to the first commercial this is more about the vibe, feeling , the likely intention of the director is to leave it to the watcher of that the viewer wants to feel when he watch this commercial. The context is more global , more versatile since this is a global brand and not a local one. CUlture matters ..each culture can use it s own interpretation for this generic spot . So this can work very well for Coca Cola and maybe not so well for a domestic brand.    The Traditional domination of ration    Emotions are the key driver of human behavior Antanio Damasio book - bran damange and they were not able to feel eomotions anymore. And he used this people to solve management taks . These usualy would require very rational decision makers. BUt the people who were briain damaged, they were not very good at making optimal deciisons. So , even if a management task can be somved with only cognitive ... it can not be solved optimally, because there is something about emotions that can not be substituted by submision.    Emotions drive human behaviour and not moods.    The nature of emotions  / emotions are complexed  /there are 3 different approached to structure and understand emotions > The bipolar... , basic emotions and appraisal theories.    Video 3 -The Bipolar Valence -Arousal Structure  All emotionas are percvided as pleasent emotioans or unpleseant or somewhere in between.  The second dimension on arousal*activation* ,some emotions that are relaxed  While this model is simple it has some short commings, one of them is that this model does not reflect reality accuratly. ie. it says that pleasant and unpleasent emtions are oposite and one can not feel both at the same time. But that is not always the case . i.e when you leave high school you think you will miss your friends but at the same time you might be excited about university life. So this model while it is simple it is outdated and does not explain emotional combinations.    VIdeo 4 - Basic emotions , another way of making sense of all the emotions we are feeling.    video Disney    In Contrast to the bipolar structure ekman has the ides that there are emotions that are discrete, which emotions that there is an emotions such as fear and that emotions is very different than other emotions .Ekman would reject the bipolar structure. He sais that there are basic emotions and we can not compare them , they are disticnt, they are associated with very different neurological and phisical processes. When we smile we look different than we are angry. There are universally recognised, i. e if someone smiles it is universaly recognized, it does not matter where you come from .  Very important to note that hese basics emotions are very well known among animals, and animals/to human.   There are 6 basic emotions .....   Yes it is tought that this emotions that have evolvled to solve evolotionary problems.    Facial expresions  Facial feedback theory tells us .. facial expersions tells us if we are aroused or not. We become aware of our own emotions only through thro the phisilioagical response of our muscle of faces. In this way we can understand our own emotions. AI can detect emotions.    Apple will be better at predicting at how you feel than your mother or even you as an individual can recognize your own introspect emotions. That is all based on facial recognition theory which in turn is part of the basic human emotion theory.    Video 5 Appraisal theories  Appraisal theories are the main way to understand complex emotions. So it is a cognitive evaluation and an interpretation of something it means that people judge and interpret things differently and they evaluate them and this are situations that generate an appraisal and they generate an emotions latter on if there is of relevance for the perciver. i.e a serries. The big challange for movie maker is to make what is  on the screen relevent for the watcher.    Thinking about the new car we want to drive that is already a very influential emotional, so even just thinking makes us feel something.    What are appraisal exactly ?  5 characteristics.  Is the motive is inconsistent the emotion will be a negative one.  Coping potential is high because you have the right to park here because it is a family parking spot  Agency , who has caused this event ? is the other party, it would be a different situation if a rain fall would prevent you to find a parking spot, then you would conclude it is circumstance caused , the agency is circumstanced caused and you will not blame a person for the situation you are in .  Probability of what you think will happen , happens , it is high because it already happened  The appraisal is appetitive as you aim to gain a positive outcome , get a parking spot.    SO WHAT IS THE LIKELY emmotion that you will feel ? it is likely that you will feel angry, and according to appraisal theiry it is a result of the combination of these 5 appraisals.               
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Lecture 4 -Emotions, feelings and moods *part 2*   Video 1 / Intro  In this lecture we talk about  about  positive emotions that consumers link to brands, brands that have human like traits emotions . Then we continue with negative emotions that consumers link to brands . There is something called brand hate . Also consumers can sabotage a brand for instance by giving negative reviews on rating platforms. Last but not least we will talk about brand experience during the consumption process.    Video 2/ Positive Consumer-Brand relationships  Emotions can constitute key assets for brands. When does it make sense to add emotions to brands. The traditional focused for brands by brand managers is usually on cognition on brands and little on emotions. Cognitive brand imagine is regarding what a brand is, what consumers think about the brand so very cognitive measurment instrument. Nowadays emotions play a big role for brands.    Consumers experience emotions through the use of brands . It is very much about the consumption promise. Also consumers can have feelings for brands. Some brands are more emotional than others. Slogans can signal this i. e I am loving it. Some brands have a cognitive approach other a more emotional one. Consumers also develop relationships with brands, what we mean is that they experience more complex emotions, more complex relationships that they have with a brand and that can be more positive or negative . What it is implied by the term relationship is that they usually last longer (potential source for brand loialty). Lastly consumers experience brands.    Consumer brand relationships* CBR* One popular way of structuring consumer brand relationship is this model.  1. Functional rewards . I.e a product gets you from A to B  2. Social emotional rewards. ie. a porduct increases your self confidence  3.the relationship from superficial to strong.  Apple is on the golden side. Is high on the social / emotional rewards and it has a strong&intense position. Haweii for example is very good on the functional rewards but not so good when it comes to the social rewards. Apple can ask for a price premium not necesarly for the technology &utility but rather from the vibe of the phone such as the astethics the idea of being cool etc. McDonalts is a brand that do not have a strong relationship with , and the reason for that can be in the mkt strategy . MCd is marketed for childtren, most consumers have some sort of relationship with mcdonalts but most of them are not that loyal.    Brand Love  Brand love is a broad concept that comprise a lot of different features that characterize how consumers relate to a brand.  The model/ If a brand manager wants to increase brand love he or she should strive to establish as many of those features on the right side as possible. The beauty of this model is not only that it tells us what brand love is but it also tells researchers and managers what brand love consists of and what are its drivers. It is an actionable managerial tool.    So let s look at a few features. Willigness to invest resources //are consumers willigness to invest money , time or intelectual capacity in the purchase and consumption of the product. IKEA is a great example on consumers willigness to invest resources because consumers have to be motivated to assamble their own furniture . Facebook whole business model resolve around consumers spending as much time as possible on the platform.   Desired self Identity// is a very strong driver of brand love. Think about an accountat who is boring by definition but buys some coold products because he wants to be seen as cool.  Curent self identity / /here the brand is loved because it is exactly like the consumer. Has the same value system etc and then consumers love this brand because it is exactly how they are and consequently help them express who they are instead of who they want to be ( as the example above) . Life Meaning // this is also a very strong driver of brand love and especially brands with a strong value system , with heritage can achieve this stage. i.e Body shop, who was one of the first cosmetic brands to sell products without animal testing . A lot of consumers liked it , and it gave them meaning to do something good , and in turn many consumers bought body shop products.    Exercise> Example of a brand and applying the framework above *Brand Love* think about why you love that brand , and see if those features are explicitly communicated in marketing efforts  FJALL RAVEN  / brands who sell products but are used for exercising are easier to create a pasionate to create a desire for them /I invest time in hiking , and i am also evaluating quality differences. I try to understand the difference between materials etc.  /brand love can come from the past. Brand herritage, I always used this brand as a kid, as a grown up etc.  /it reflects my identity , both are minimalistic, sustainable, and therefor I have a stronger relationship with these brands.    Excursus |Consumption and Anthropomorphic products  anthropomorphic characteristics can be characteristics as being seen alive . i.e Alexa, Siri. Anthropomorphic products  can subsequent human relationships , so using such products it reduces the need for real human connection.   Video 3/ Negative Consumer-Brand relationships  Negative CBR can be detriment to the brand image*company performance / the brand success and there are many examples where brands were harmed in a significant way .Another important reason why CBR is important is because many mkt managers never tought about this. In their world is always about creating positive consumer brand relationships but not about avoiding negative consumer relationships.  In consequence hardly any company has a strategy on how to manage such thing. Often company just react after something bad already happened, but what they should actually do is to proactivly try to prevent such situations. The company should understand the signals, what it is how it materialise it and than also take actions against such issues.    Ratings , production if yyoutube videos, spreading negatives on twittter or by word of mouth, there are many ways of how one single customer can start a scandal and cal also try to convince other customers to hate on the brand. This is what we will refer to as the customer complaint empowerment.  United Airlines Case , they blamed the passanger, that never works. Companies do not really know how to handdle conficts.   Brand hate and Brand sabotage  Brand hate , we have 3 emotions , that can appear separatlly or together.  Brand sabotage is going beyond brand hate. IT requires resources i.e time with the intention of harming a brand.  One source for brand sabotage is that the consumer observes motive-inconsistent for example when the company stands between the consumer and its goals. Ie . the goal can be to fly from A to B like in the case and the company and the company is trying to prevent this, than we have a motive inconsistent case.  These emotions cause people to behave in a consistent way.    Consumer Boycott  Why do consumers engage in boycott ?  1. Consumers want to make a difference by boycotting  2.Self enhancement , here it is more about the symbolic consequences of the boycott, the one above it is more pragmatic.    Not only consumers boycott but also firms  July 2020, many companies they significantly they reduced their spending on ADs of FB. This also urged other companies to do the same , as a sign of protest for FB who did not handdle well hate speach. In the end more than 1000 companies actually boycotted FB.   Video 4/ Brand Experience  Brand is a source of experience.  A brand can evoke experience through a sensation .ie how does it taste, what kind of sound makes , how does it smell. The feelings are also imp, do you experience certain feelings through the consumption of a brand? COgnition is the dimention that is measured to what extend a brand makes you think ? does this brand stimulate your creatvity ? And lastly , also the behaviour reponses are imp, so wheter a brand makes you do something or not. These are very relatable to what we talked before , BRAND LOVE , so we can argue that a good brand is a brand that also makes you do something.  Brand experience can be created by different stimuly, such as design , packaging.etc . There are 4 dimensions of brand experience> Sensory , affective, intellectual and behavioral.  Article, Disney scores high on Affective because it sells emotions, Lego on intelectual because it stimulates our brains, Ben and jerry on Sensory which is very normal for food products.Adidas is very imp on behavioral, because it is consumed through sports, So it motivates people to move. SO it is imp for a brand manager where a brand stands or where it wants to stand. YOu do not necesarly have to be the best at all 4 dimensions.     
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Lecture 5-Emotions, feelings and moods *part 3*   Video 2 Selected Emotions in Marketing : Nostalgia  Nostalgia is about thinking about the good old times.Nostalgic products serve as materialization of the memory, they can evoke a powerfull sense of the past. i.e a car from the past reminds people when they were young drivers. it allows consumers to travel back in times. Consumers remember the past as more positive than it actually was *positivity bias*. examples Fashion is also a good example i.e FILA , Nintendo is also a good example, consumers were willing to pay a lot of money to go back in time and evoke the feeling of playing games like in the old times. Marvell movies also capitalize on nostalgia.    Video 3 Selected Emotions in Marketing : Brand Communities  The members of a brand community share in common the fact that they have an admiration for the brand , follow the same convention and i.e football club.    Moral responsability/  where members of a community help each other , this can be a plus for a brand because the company can save a lot of costs for example in customer service. Can also be a good think , because if it becomes an asset for a brand, competitors will have a hard time copying this. i.e Diet/WeightWatchers, in this community members help each other motivate each other etc.    Harley Davidson *motocycle*, US universities also build strong communities.    Video 4 Brand Authenthicity               
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