Sociology .
Course by ., updated more than 1 year ago Contributors


10 Lessons on Culture and Idenity

Module Information


This Course Contains all first year sociology for A-Levels. It has Culture and Identity, Education and Theory Methods.
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Hello! This Course is on Culture and Identity (AQA) Which is on paper 2. There is 10 lessons, *Introduction to sociology *Culture and Identity *Theories of Culture and Idenity -Functionalism -Marxism -Interactionalism -Postermodernism *Class and Identity *Gender and Identity *Ethnicity, Nationality and identity *Sexuality and Identity *Age and Identity *Disability and Identity *Leisure, consumption and globalisation   Hope this is useful to anyone who uses it.
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Perspective of Culture and Identity from: •Functionalism •Marxism •Neo-marxism •Interactionism •Postmodernism
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