-----Unit 1:Programming and Computational Thinking-
-----Revision of the basics of Python
-----Functions: scope, parameter passing, mutable/immutable properties of data objects, pass arrays to functions, return values, functions using libraries: mathematical, and string functions. 25 15
May- June
----- File handling: open and close a file, read, write, and append to a file, standard input, output, and error streams, relative and absolute paths.
-----Using Python libraries: create and import Python libraries
MONTHLY TEST-1 (20-28 June )- Covering Syllabus up to 9th May-2019 15 10
-----Recursion: simple algorithms with recursion: factorial ,Fibonacci numbers; recursion on arrays: binary search
----- Idea of efficiency: performance defined as inversely proportional to the wall clock time, count the number of operations apiece of code is performing, and measure the time taken by a program. Example: take two different programs for the same problem, and understand how the efficient one takes less time.
----- Data visualization using Pyplot: line chart, pie chart and bar chart.
MONTHLY TEST-2 (26-31 July )- Covering Syllabus up to July-2019 30 20
----- Data-structures: lists, stacks, queues.
Unit 2: Computer Network(CN)
----- Structure of a network: Types of networks: local area and wide area (web and internet),new technologies such as cloud and IoT, public vs. private cloud, wired and wireless networks; concept to client and server.
----- Network device such as a NIC, switch, hub, router, and access point.
----- Network stack: amplitude and frequency modulation, collision in wireless networks, error checking, and the notion of a MAC address, main idea of routing. IP addresses :(v4 and v6), routing table, router, DNS, and web URLs, TCP: basic idea of retransmission, and rate modulation when there is congestion (analogy to a road network), Protocols:2G,3G,4G, Wi-Fi. What makes a protocol have a higher bandwidth?
----- Basic network tools: trace route, ping, ipconfig, nslookup, who is, speed-test.
----- Application layer: HTTP(basic idea),working of email, secure communication: 10 15 10 10 Encryption and certificates(HTTPS),network applications: remote desktop, Remote login, HTTP, FTP, SCP, SSH, POP/IMAP, SMTP, VoIP, NFC.
MONTHLY TEST-3 (27-31August)- Covering Syllabus up to August-2019
Unit3:Data Management(DM-2)
----- Write a minimal Django based web application that parses a GET and POST request, and writes the fields to a file-flat file and CSV file.
----- Interface Python with an SQL database SQL commands: aggregation functions–having, group by, order by.
MONTHLY TEST-4 (27 Sep-03 Oct)- Covering Syllabus up to September-2019 18 12
UNIT4:Society, Law and Ethics(SLE-2)
----- Intellectual property rights, plagiarism, digital rights management, and licensing (Creative Commons, GPL and Apache), open source, open data, privacy.
----- Privacy laws, fraud; cyber-crime-phishing, illegal downloads, child pornography, scams; cyber forensics, ITAct,2000.
----- Technology and society: understanding of societal issues and cultural changes induced by technology.
----- E-waste management: proper disposal of used electronic gadgets. 12 6
----- Identity theft, unique ids, and biometrics. Gender and disability issues while teaching and using computers.
----- Revision, Project Work Submission 7 3
Dec Jan Pre-Board Examination-1 (02-10 Dec-2019)
Jan Pre-Board Examination-2 (16-23 Jan-2020) Mock Practical Exam (Last week of January-2020)
Feb AISSCE Practical Examination -2020 Pre-BoardExamination-3 Mar
Recursively find the factorial of a natural number.
Read a file line by line and print it.
Remove all the lines that contain the character `a' in a file and write it to another file. Write a Python functions in (x,n) to calculate the value of sin(x) using its Taylor series expansion up to n terms. Compare the values of sin(x) for different values of n with the correct value.
Write a random number generator that generates random numbers between 1 and 6 (simulates a dice).
Write a recursive code to find the sum of all elements of a list.
Write a recursive code to compute the nth Fibonacci number.
Write a Python program to implement a stack and queue using a list data-structure.
Write a recursive Python program to test if a string is a palindrome or not.
Write a Python program to plot the function y=x2 using the pyplot or matplotlib libraries.
Create a graphical application that accepts user inputs, performs some operation on them, and then writes the output on the screen. For example, write a small calculator. Use the tkinter library.
Open a webpage using the urllib library.
Compute EMIs for a loan using the numpy or scipy libraries. Take a sample of 10 phishing e-mails and find the most common words. Data Management: SQL & Web Server:
Find the min, max, sum, and average of the marks in a student marks table. Find the total number of customers from each country in the table (customerID, customername, country) using groupby.
Write a SQL query to order the (studentID, marks) table in descending order of the marks.
Integrate SQL with Python by importing the MySQL module
Write a Django based webserver to parse a user request (POST), and write it to a CSV file.