Stages in a Lesson Planning


Stages in a Lesson Planning
Flussdiagramm von LARIOS ACEVEDO ALAN EDUARDO ., aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von LARIOS ACEVEDO ALAN EDUARDO . vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource


  • Lesson Planning
  • Know the objective: Is the prinicipl step to mke a good lesson plan where the teacher have to use the basic skills (language skills such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation) and the life skills (including cultural information) that are necessary to accomplish the objective. This is at the beginning of every lesson, write your lesson plan goal at the top. Something like, "Students will be able to identify different colors", focusing the objective in classroom background.
  • Classroom background: How many students, ages, sexes, about the classroom environment. Know your students, this is an absolute must which will help you choose your learning goals, topics and teaching approaches adequately. You need to know well what your students are good at, what skills they need to develop, what fascinates them the most, and what their preferred learning styles are and if you have students with special requeriments related with disabilities, delays, etc.  
  • Materials: The teacher has to identified and secured well before class time to ensure that activities can be carried out as planned, using the visual aids, handouts, textbooks, flip chart and markers, projector, etc. that requiered and making it days before of the class to be ready to the class day.
  •  Activities: Is a fundamental part of lesson plan steps and development because are the way in which students put into practice what learn and too could be the way in which will learn. Generally move from more controlled (e.g., repetition) to a less structured or free format (e.g., interviewing each other). They should be varied in type (e.g., whole group, paired, individual) and modality (e.g., speaking, listening).
  • 1.Warm-up/Review: Encourages learners to use what they have been taught in previous lessons. The warm up can be a simple game (possibly about vocab on the topic to see where their current knowledge lies (or what they remember from last week!) or it can be questions, a mingle, or pictures used to start a conversation.
  • 2. Presentation: introduces to the new information, checks learner comprehension of the new material, and models the tasks that the learners will do in the next stage, focuses the learners’ attention on the objective of the new lesson and relates the objective to their lives. You may find it useful to flat out tell the students what they'll be learning. That is, give them your objective.
  • 3. Study: Using the skills in the activities of the class, the teacher have to chosen combination of it, students will do the activities using particular skill or skills with own hypothesis and showing their knowledge.
  • 4.Practice: provides opportunities to practice and apply the new language, this is the phase that allows the students more freedom to use what they have learned in the study phase and practices it in different contexts, phase is often referred to as a free practice that allow a natural use of the 2L in games, group class, etc.
  • 5.Warm down: Is the final stage that sometimes isn’t used because the class time ends, is here that the students and teachers can take a breath, could be used to make a recap of the lesson or do something lighter for example a game or talking of something outside class topic.
  • wikiHow Staff. (2019). How to Make a Lesson Plan. June 30, 2019, of wikiHow, Website: Matt, V. (2016). 7 Steps to Prepare an Exciting and Effective lesson plan. June 30, 2019, de THE EDUCATOR, Website:
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