Western Thought and Education


Beginning of Modern Nationalism in India
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource


  • Western Thought and Education
  • introduction of a modern system of education
  • assimilation of modern Western ideas
  • a new direction to Indian political thinking
  • conceived by the rulers in the self-interest of efficient administration
  • The liberal and radical thought of European writers like Milton, Shelley, John Stuart Mill, Rousseau, Paine, Spencer and Voltaire helped many Indians imbibe modern rational, secular, democratic and nationalist ideas
  •   The English language helped nationalist leaders from different linguistic regions to communicate with each other   liberal professions (lawyers, doctors, etc.) often visited England for higher education  
  • This ever-expanding English educated class formed the middle class intelligentsia who constituted the nucleus for the newly arising political unrest.   It was this section which provided leadership to the Indian political associations.
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