94. People may care about time more than they care about money


Flussdiagramm am 94. People may care about time more than they care about money, erstellt von Tiffany Griffith am 08/03/2017.
Tiffany Griffith
Flussdiagramm von Tiffany Griffith, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Tiffany Griffith
Erstellt von Tiffany Griffith vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource


  • Study on Consumers Regarding Time and Money
  • Take a 5 minute survey and earn a $10.00 gift card
  • Spend $5.00 and earn a $10.00 gift card
  • Out of a study of 100 people, 75% of people chose to take a survey to earn a gift card
  • Out of a study of 100 people, 25% of people chose to spend money to receive a gift card
  • Study shows that consumers would rather spend time than spend money to receive benefits. People value their time on a personal connection. When regarding time spent to complete a survey the survey is considered a personal connection between the consumer and the product.
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