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People are Social Animals
Laura Bankhead
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People are Social Animals
Kurs von
Laura Bankhead
, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
This course discusses how people interact with one another.
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63. The "Strong Tie" Group Size Limit is 150 People
This point is about how our maximum "strong tie" limit is 150 people, which is considered Dunbar's Number.
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63. The "Strong Tie" Group Size Limit is 150 People
This point details how your the strength of your relationships in your network weaken after exceeding the 150 person limit.
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64. People are Hard-Wired for Imitation and Empathy
This point covers how our brains can mirror others' emotions through empathy.
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64. People are Hard-Wired for Imitation and Empathy
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65. Doing Things Together Bonds People Together
This point talks about how people bond through synchronous activities.
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65. Doing Things Together Bonds People Together
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66. People Expect Online Interactions to Follow Social Rules
This point details how people expect online interactions to have the same rules as in-person interactions.
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66. People Expect Online Interactions to Follow Social Rules
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67. People Lie to Differing Degrees Depending on the Media
This point covers the media in which people are most likely to lie and least likely to lie and why.
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67. People Lie to Differing Degrees Depending on the Media
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68. Speakers' Brains and Listeners' Brains Sync Up During Communication
This point talks about how people understand what is being said and how people communicate with one another.
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68. Speakers' Brains and Listeners' Brains Sync Up During Communication
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69. The Brain Responds Uniquely to People You Know Personally
This point details how people relate to friends and family.
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69. The Brain Responds Uniquely to People You Know Personally
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70. Laughter Bonds People Together
This point covers why people laugh and how laughter brings people together.
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70. Laughter Bonds People Together
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71. People Can Tell When a Smile is Real or Fake More Accurately with Video
This point talks about how there are actually two types of smiles - one real and one fake.
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71. People Can Tell When a Smile is Real or Fake More Accurately with Video
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People are Social Animals - Quiz
This quiz covers all points from the chapter - points 63-71, and it is about how people behave socially and why.
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People are Social Animals - Quiz
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People are Social Animals
63. The "Strong Tie" Group Size Limit is 150 People
64. People are Hard-Wired for Imitation and Empathy
65. Doing Things Together Bonds People Together
66. People Expect Online Interactions to Follow Social Rules
67. People Lie to Differing Degrees Depending on the Media
68. Speakers' Brains and Listeners' Brains Sync Up During Communication
69. The Brain Responds Uniquely to People You Know Personally
70. Laughter Bonds People Together
71. People Can Tell When a Smile is Real or Fake More Accurately with Video
People are Social Animals - Quiz