AQA History GCSE - Germany and the Nazi Party Öffentlich

AQA History GCSE - Germany and the Nazi Party

Frank Shrimpton
Kurs von Frank Shrimpton, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Beitragende


This course contains all my mind maps about the Germany course, from Kaiser Wilhelm II to the death of Hitler. Enjoy!


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Covering the period from the start of the course until the Kaiser's abdication. For GCSE history students with AQA. Enjoy!
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Covering the AQA history syllabus from the coming-to-power of the Weimar Government to its demise. Enjoy!
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This is about the Nazi Party from its beginnings to Hitler becoming Chancellor in 1933. (Munich Putsch is included in my other mind map about the Weimar period) For History GCSE with AQA. Enjoy!
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From Hitler becoming chancellor, describing problems he faced and how he overcame them on his way to becoming a true, undisputed distator. For GCSE history students with AQA. Enjoy!
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Covering the conditions and policies in Nazi Germany, including the persecution of the Jews and WWII. For GCSE history students with AQA. Enjoy!
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