Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Most start with
Artheroma formation
- Wall of artery made up of several layers
- Endothelium (inner lining)
usually smooth and unbroken
- Damage occurs to endothelium e.g
by ^bp, white blood cells and lipids
from blood clump together under
lining to form fatty streaks
- Over time more WBCs,
lipids and connective
tissue build up & harden
to form fibrous plaque
called an artheroma
- This plaque partially blocks
lumen of artery and restricts
blood flow causing ^bp
- Increase risk of Aneurysm and Thrombosis
- Balloon-like
swelling of artery
- Artheroma plaques
damage/weaken arteries.
Also narrows them ^bp
- When blood travels through weakened
artery at ^bp it may push inner layers
through outer elastic layer to form
- Aneurysm may burst to cause
haemorrhage (bleeding)
- Formation of blood clot
- Artheroma plaque can rupture endothelium
- Damages wall leaving rough surface
- Platelets &
fibrin (a protein)
accumulate at
site of damage
to form blood
clot (thrombus)
- Clot can cause complete blockage of
artery or can become dislodged &
block blood vessel elsewhere in body
- Debris from rupture can cause
another blood clot further down
- Interrupted blood flow
to heart can cause a
Myocardial Infarction
- Heart muscle supplied with blood
by coronary arteries- contains
oxygen needed by <3 to respire
- If C.A becomes
blocked (e.g blood
clot) area of <3
totally cut off from
blood supply-
receives no
- Causes Myocardial
Infarction (heart attack)
- Can cause
to <3 muscle
- Symptoms- pain in chest/upper
body, shortness of breath, sweating
- If large areas of <3
affected complete <3
failiure can occur (often