Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Language change theories
- Language decay
- Jean Aitchison
- Damp-spoon syndrome
- Laziness
- Language sloppier now
- similar to leaving damp spoon in sugar
- Crumbling castle
- Glottal stop
- Silent letters
- "Knight"
- "Government"
- "Receipt"
- Lynne Truss
- Eats, shoots, and leaves
- Hypercorrect punctuation
- Prescriptivist
- Social bonding theory
- William Labov (USA)
- Social groups change words to create dialect
- "Youth" --> "Yoth"
- Global English
- David Crystal
- Polydialectalism
- Bi-dialectalism
- Speaking a local language and national
- Tri-dialectalism
- Norman Fairclough
- Conversationalism
- Modern English more 'chatty'
- Use of 'you'
- More relevant with TV/internet