Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Computer Networks
- A Computer Network is a group of computers that
have been linked together so they can send information
via each other
- This enables people to share
files, software and data
- Computers in a network are joined
together by cables or radio waves
- This allows data to move
between computers
- Computers which are located in the same
building (e.g. in a work place) are connected by
a Local Area Network (LAN)
- Computers which are long distances apart (e.g. in a
different town) are connected by a Wide Area Network
- Sometimes people use a type of
computer network called a Hardware
- This is a powerful computer which
can store many files or
- The powerful computer will often control other
computers and allows those users to access the file
server from any machine contected to the network
- A single computer on a network is
called a work station
- Data Exchange
- Serial Transmissions
- Serial transmission is
the process of sending
data one part at a time.
- The information is usually
sent over a computer channel
or a computer bus