Faisal works in his garden


Mindmap am Faisal works in his garden, erstellt von Menna Emam am 08/09/2017.
Menna Emam
Mindmap von Menna Emam, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Menna Emam
Erstellt von Menna Emam vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Faisal works in his garden
  1. The heart
    1. Circulation
      1. Systemic
        1. Pulmonary
          1. Coronary
          2. Conduction
            1. Sounds
              1. 2 main
                1. LUB
                  1. 1st heart sound
                    1. generated by
                      1. closure of the AV valves
                      2. when
                        1. at the beginning of the systole.
                    2. DUB
                      1. 2nd heart sound
                        1. generated by
                          1. the closure of the semilunar valves.
                          2. when
                            1. at the end of the systole.
                    3. pumps
                      1. blood
                        1. through
                          1. vessels
                            1. types
                              1. arteries
                                1. connected by
                                  1. capillaries
                                2. veins
                                  1. such as
                                    1. pulmonary
                                    2. have valves
                                      1. bicuspid
                                        1. located on
                                          1. Right of heart
                                        2. tricuspid
                                          1. located on
                                            1. left of heart
                                3. enters through
                                  1. superior & inferior vena cava
                            2. CV diseases
                              1. Aortic Stenosis
                                1. Treatment
                                  1. Non- Surgical
                                    1. symptomatic patients
                                      1. Beta-blockers and/or calcium blockers
                                        1. Cautious use of digitalis, diuretics, and (ACE) inhibitors
                                          1. Vasodilators
                                          2. Surgical
                                            1. alloon valvuloplasty
                                              1. aortic valve repair
                                                1. aortic valve replacment
                                              2. definition
                                                1. Narrowing of the aortic valve preventing it from opening properly.
                                                2. causes
                                                  1. Wear & tear
                                                    1. bicuspid aortic valve (congenital)
                                                      1. chronic rheumatic valve disease
                                                      2. Signs & Symptoms
                                                        1. heart murmurs
                                                          1. Palpitations
                                                            1. Angina
                                                              1. Shortness of breath
                                                                1. Fatigue and fainting
                                                                2. Complications
                                                                  1. congestive heart failure
                                                                    1. LVH
                                                                      1. leading to
                                                                        1. LAD
                                                                  2. Investigations
                                                                    1. Angiography
                                                                      1. medical imaging technique used to visualize the inside, or lumen, of blood vessels and organs of the body, with particular interest in the arteries, veins and the heart chambers.
                                                                      2. Echocardiogram
                                                                        1. indispensable to the assessment of the extent of LV hypertrophy, systolic ejection performance, and anatomy of the aortic valve
                                                                          1. demonstrates
                                                                            1. Reduced separation of the cusp of the aortic valve
                                                                              1. Concentric LV hypertrophy
                                                                                1. Mean gradients greater than 50 mm Hg in patients with severe aortic stenosis on Doppler echocardiography
                                                                            2. Cardiac Catheterization
                                                                              1. Cardiac catheterization provides an accurate measure of aortic stenosis and is an important tool, particularly in patients who have discrepant clinical and echocardiographic findings.
                                                                              2. Electrocardiography
                                                                                1. the principal finding is left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)
                                                                              3. Physical examination
                                                                                1. Pulse
                                                                                  1. Blood pressure
                                                                                    1. Heart sounds
                                                                                      1. 4th heart sound
                                                                                        1. due to
                                                                                          1. atrial contraction
                                                                                        2. murmurs
                                                                                          1. due to
                                                                                            1. turbulent blood flow
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