King John


King John Mindmap am King John, erstellt von hannahkthomson am 23/05/2013.
Mindmap von hannahkthomson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von hannahkthomson vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

King John
  1. King John ruled from 1199-1216
    1. He was a good king
      1. He signed the magna carta
        1. He helped poor people
          1. he was divoted to the church
            1. he formed the english navy to beat the spanish armada
            2. he was a bad king
              1. the signed the magna carta then broke it
                1. He killed his family to get to the throne
                  1. he skinned 30 because they made fun of him
                    1. he lost all ghis land in france and normandy
                    2. he was born december 24th 1166
                      1. he died october 16th 1216
                        1. his parents were Henry II of england and Eleanor of Aquitaine
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