Zusammenfassung der Ressource
How has digital technology
opened up the opportunity for
more people to make their own
- YouTube itself has now become the biggest music
streaming platform on the planet; and that artists
are foregoing radio and breaking new songs on
Soundcloud. We’re in an amazing time for music
right now. However, swell as streaming videos
individuals like myself can upload anything and
everything i want on to YouTube for the world to
see. YouTube is free and allows anyone to
distribute their products, much like i will do with my
own music video at the end of this A2 course. I
don't have a record label or even funding, but i can
still get just as many hits online as an artist the size
of Justin Bieber through the powers of YouTubes
distribution network.
- In terms of the pricing elecnt of making a promo A good number of the hit
songs that you listen to are being made on laptops and mobile studio setups.
It’s significantly cheaper to produce and record music these days. The days of
the big monster commercial studios are numbered. It’s bad news for the
studios, but good news for artists who want to the freedom to record when they
want to. Self recording also helps artists have less to recoup from their labels.
Music production apps are amazing right now. With an investment of $50, you
can have a full suite of drums, synths, and sampling capabilities at your
fingertips. Leading the charge in the music production app space are Korg,
INTUA, and Native Instruments. Fans are winning because their favorite
musicians are able to push out music more frequently. Furthermore, it's
extremely easy to use Web 2.0 technology to even edit a bands music video
and change it completely just by using an editing application like Adobe
Photoshop CS6
- In terms of financing the promo itself Crowdfunding has been sneakily
becoming a very niche ecosystem lately. For example, PledgeMusic is good for
those who need an all-in-one marketing and funding solution. For a more global
approach, Italy-based Musicraiser is the first crowdfunding platform that plans
to support all major languages and currencies. With all that said, you must be
careful and creative. Creative perks like allowing customers to contribute to an
album’s liner notes or an invitation for a fan to play the tambourine on stage
with the musician are the types of things that deviate from the norm and create
buzz. As a result even myself can now fully aford to produce and distribute a
- Given the immediate playback capacity and affordability of
basic digital cameras, it is possible to create by shooting,
rather than use the elaborate pre-planning and scenario
writing of traditional cinema. This means that even the most
inexperienced individual can buy themselves a cheap
camera with a memory card and begin filming any music
footage of their choice, furthermore after the footage has
been filmed the individual can purchase or even illegally
torrent an editing software program which will allow them to
add music on the background of their footage (Foley). Even
more extraordinary, this entire music video can be on
YouTube within an hour, a huge advancement from past
- Once a work has been produced digitally it does not have to go
through additional steps to be available for exhibition online. (no
masters, release copies) Allowing anyone to be able to create
and distribute a promo video in such speed is another example of
the huge advances modern day technology has given to
- Artists can now exhibit their work on the Internet (Facebook, etc.)
but many do not consider it to be a desirable exhibition space due
to the overwhelming amount of material available there and
because artists‘ fees are an issue with online exhibition. Another
advantage to digital technology is that individuals can actually
send their music video promotions to various record labels
instantly over a hyperlink or even email, making industry deals
instant and easy.
- The formats in which material is created and stored now will likely be superseded by other
formats and technologies. To preserve material it will be necessary to preserve equipment
and software to play and/or transcribe it. The long-term stability of digital media for
preservation has not been established. The cost of digitising analog collections is high for
many artists‘ organisations. Anyone can now access any file format from mp3, mp4, or
even .avi can be accessed on all types of platforms and programmes making it even easier
for creation and distribution.
- It is now possible to create pieces collaboratively with
participants working at a distance, sometimes
internationally. For example, i myself could easily make a
music video with a friend in australia without even having to
leave my chair let alone my house, underlining the mass
change from when there was only one video sample which
cost a fortune and had to be delivered taking days or
potentially weeks to deliver, juxtaposed with the modern
day instant messaging services.
- However there is an advantage to high end
(especially HD) gear to make ―professional‖
quality work. While the tools are accessible,
expertise in camerawork or editing still remains
specialised. However, if an individual such as
myself wanted to invest in a camera crew it
would be extremely easy to make a hugely
aesthetically pleasing piece in full HD,
underlining a clear advance in quality and
indeed quantity of modern day music