
Mindmap am TEENAGER´S MOTIVATION, erstellt von Rosi Rodriguez am 05/10/2017.
Rosi Rodriguez
Mindmap von Rosi Rodriguez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rosi Rodriguez
Erstellt von Rosi Rodriguez vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. reasons for learning English
    1. associated with new technology
      1. computers
        1. internet
      2. factors influence proficiency
        1. age
          1. gender
            1. cognitive style
              1. personality
                1. motivation
                  1. diminishes the effect of individual differences
                    1. necessary to reach long term goals
                      1. such as acquiring a SL
                      2. history
                        1. social and psychological period
                          1. learners of SL
                            1. adopts social and culture behavior
                              1. implied in the L2
                          2. cognitive-situated period
                            1. to achive leanguage proficiency
                              1. being actively involved
                                1. learning process
                            2. process-oriented period
                              1. preaccional
                                1. actional
                                  1. postactional
                                    1. learner develops proficiency level
                                      1. in the L2
                                  2. . (Dörnyei, 2005)
                                  3. Gardener’s theory
                                    1. integrative
                                      1. learner is interested in the culture
                                        1. L2 community
                                        2. atittude toward techer and course
                                          1. effort
                                          2. instrumental
                                            1. desire to acquire language
                                              1. academic development
                                                1. better job opportunies
                                                  1. social interests
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