Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Eggs
- Selection
- AA, A, B
- The bigger the grade the cleaner and how thick the egg whites are
- Nutrition
- 6.3 grams of protein
- rich in protein and full of vitamins and minerals with few calories.
- Vitamins - A, D, E ,B12, B6
- Minerals - Iron, Zinc, Potassium, Sodium, Phosphorus, Magnesium
- 1 large egg is 1 serving
- 5 ounces of protein daily
- Trans fat, Saturated fat/ Polyunsaturated, Monounsaturated fat.
- jumbo and large
- Recipes go with large eggs.
- Storage
- Eggs will age faster in room temp than in the fridge
- Put in the fridge when still in shell for hard boiled.
- Store on the inside shelf for best results.
- Preparation
- Poaching
- Scrambled,
- Hard Boiled, Hard cooked
- Fried
- Baked
- Cooking it i medium to low heat.
- Soy, Rice and beans, Quinoa
- Apart of ever cell and tissue in the body
- Amino acids - 20 different kinds - Two sections
- 9 Essential
- Required for growth. Needed to live
- Come from mostly animals
- Non Essential
- All 9 essential amino acids - Makes it a high protein mean
- Red Meat
- Nutrional Value
- Complete protein
- Body tissue - repair and build
- Iron- needed for healthy blood
- B vitamin - used for energy, nerves, appetite
- Zinc for healing
- saturated fats - insualtion
- Preparation
- Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal
- Poultry
- fish
- Beating with meat mallet
- marinating it
- Dry heat - for tender cuts
- Roasting and broiling
- baking frying
- Moist heat
- need liquid to tenderize
- braising and stewing
- selection
- Wholesomeness - Good to eat
- Grading - Quality to marbling
- storage
- 2 days in fridge or 6 months in a freezer
- leftovers good for 2-3 days