Academic Vocabulary 1


Mindmap am Academic Vocabulary 1, erstellt von Marlyn Romero am 10/10/2017.
Marlyn Romero
Mindmap von Marlyn Romero, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Marlyn Romero
Erstellt von Marlyn Romero vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Academic Vocabulary 1
  1. Analyze (V) My teacher analyze us experiment.
    1. Structure N/V The building's structure is compromised.
      1. Category (N) A category 5 hurricane can reach speeds of about 155 miles per hour
        1. Conclude (V) Marly concluded her speech with a image .
          1. Illustrate (V) The students illustrated their own painting.
            1. Locate (V) Tatiana doesn't know where is locate the mall.
              1. Contrast N/V He looked quite happy in contrast with those around him
                1. Label N/V Mariana read the label on the bottle.
                  1. Summarize (V) I summarizes some information that we hope to discuss at the meeting in California.
                    1. Cite N/V He cited over twenty different studies in his research paper.
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