Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Anna’s out of breath
- Anatomy of the mediastinum
- Physiology of the respiratory system
- Lung Volumes and Capacities
- Inspiration and Expiration
- Cough
- Types
- -Dry Cough
-Croup Cough
-Wet Cough
- Mechanism
- The cough reflex has
5 components: 1)
cough receptors 2)
afferent nerves 3)
coughhh center 4)
efferent nerves 5)
effector muscles
- Diaphragm and external intercostal
muscles contract, creating a negative
pressure around the lung. Air rushes into
the lungs in order to equalise the pressure.
- Respiratory causes
of dyspnea
- Acute
- asthma attack,
allergic reaction
- Chronic
- interstitial lung
disease, lung
tumor & COPD
- Wheezing
- Whistling sound made while
breathing, and often associated with
difficulty breathing. it may occur
during expiration or inspiration.
- Causes
- Inflammation, Allergies,
Anaphylaxis, Asthma, COPD
- Allergies
- Allergic response to
outdoor or indoor allergens
- pollens, pet hair,
dust, smoke
- Eczema
- Hay fever
- Sneezing & watery nose,
red itching eyes, cough
- A group of diseases characterized by chronic or recurrent obstruction to the airflow
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Persistent productive cough not attributable to other causes on most
days for at least 3 months over 2 consecutive years
- Emphysema
- Chronic lung disease
characterized by
permanent enlargement
of the airspaces distal to
the terminal bronchioles
accompanied by
destruction of their
walls but without
obvious fibrosis
- Asthma
- Chronic relapsing
inflammatory disorder
characterized by episodic
reversible bronchospasm
- Extrinsic
- type I hypersensitivity reaction induced
by exposure to an extrinsic antigen.
- IgE mediated
- Intrinsic
- Aspirin, pulmonary infections, Psychological
stress, Exercise , Inhaled irritants
- Triggering mechanisms
are non-immune
- Investigations
- *Approach considerations *Blood
and sputum eosinophils *Serum IgE
*Arterial blood gas *Periostin *Pulse
oximetry assessment *Allergy skin
testing *Pulmonary function testing
*Peak flow test *Histologic findings
- Management
of asthma
- Naturopathy?
- Quitting smoking
- Importance of regular checkups
- -prevention is better than cure
-Health issues affect one’s life
-Healthcare providing costs