Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Ghana
- Economy
- From North came salt
and from the West
came the rich resources
of gold,ivory, and other
- Kumbi-Saleh quickly
became an important
Southern- trade route
- Ghana grew rich from the
trans- Saharan trade.
- Ghana traders had to give
the king a trading tax.
- Ghana also placed a tax on the
local goldmines the neighboring
group had to tribute. Which
made Kumbi- Saleh increase in
wealth and power.
- Kumbi- Saleh was the center of
trade and served as a business
district of the capital.
- Geography
- Ghana was located in the
Sahara Desert and in the middle
of the salt and gold trade
- Kumbi - Saleh was the
capital of Ghana
- Social
- Primarily nomadic people.
- The city had about 30,000 people that lived in
Kumbi-Saleh which was protected by a wall.
- Most of the house were made out of wood and
clay, but wealthy peoples houses were made
out of wood and clay.
- The king lived in the grandest building in the city. It was inherited by Arab and Berber merchants and contained more than a dozen mosques
- Religion
- The wall served as a royal spiritual
capital of the empire
- The kings home contained of a sacred grove of trees
used for religious ceremonies.
- After the ending rule of Ghans and converting many to Islam
- Achievements
- Crossed the Saharn Desert
with Camels
- Politics
- Was controlled by the Soninke.
- The kingdom was ruled by a king called the Ghana
- The king was a supreme judge.
- Mali
- Economy
- Controlled the gold trade
- Geography
- Most of the gold trade came up the Niger river
- Mali was located in an agriculturally
- Social Structure