
katherine Adriana
Mindmap von katherine Adriana, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
katherine Adriana
Erstellt von katherine Adriana vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Test strip for the semiquantitative determination of specific gravity pH´leukocytes, nitrite, protein, glucose, ketone bodies, urobilinogen. bilirubin and blood in urine visual reading.
    1. Instructionfor use:
      1. Use fresh urine that has not been centrifuged
        1. Take a test strip out of the container. Close the container again with the original desicant stopper immediately after removal of the strip.
          1. Briefly ( about 1 second) dip the test strip, wipe the edge against the rim of the vessel to remove excess urine.
            1. After 60 seconds (60-120 seconds for the leukocyte test ares) compare the reaction colors of the test areas with the colors on the label and assing always the valore of the nearest color block.
            2. PARAMETER
              1. Specific gravity
                1. pH
                  1. Leukocytes
                    1. Nitrite
                      1. Protein
                        1. glucose
                          1. Ketone bodies
                            1. urobilinogen
                              1. Bilirubin
                                1. Blood and hemogoblin
              2. VISUAL READING
                1. 1.000-1.030
                  1. 5-9
                    1. negative- aprprox.
                      1. negative or positive
                        1. negative- 500mg/dl
                          1. normal- 150mg/dl
                            1. negative-150mg/dl
                              1. normal-12 mg/dl
                                1. negative - approx. 6 mg/dl
                                  1. negative - approxi. 250 RBC
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