How the food you eat affects your brain


Mindmap am How the food you eat affects your brain, erstellt von Daniel Serrano am 29/10/2017.
Daniel Serrano
Mindmap von Daniel Serrano, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Daniel Serrano
Erstellt von Daniel Serrano vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

How the food you eat affects your brain
  1. Glucose
    1. Provides energy
      1. Can work in two ways:
        1. A fast rise in energy; then a dip
          1. A slow, but steady rise in energy
        2. Micronutrients


          • Molecular structure of vitamin b12.
          1. Help the brain work for longer periods of time
            1. Help defending the brain with diseases
            2. Fats


              • Molecular structure of cholesterol.
              1. Mantain cell membranes
                1. Prevent degeneration
                  1. Can, in long term, cause problems
                  2. Proteins


                    • Molecular structure of hemoglobin, a protein which is in blood.
                    1. Changes how we feel and behave
                      1. Builds brain matter
                      2. Amino acids


                        • The structure of tryptophan, one of the essential aminoacids.
                        1. Builds neurotransmittors
                          1. Can alter our behaviour and mood
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