Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- monism
- materialist
- dawkins
- robots
- antonio damasio (neuroscientist) + michael roland
- neurones in brain control us
- consciesness isnt seperate from body
- mental states and brain states essentially equivilent
- descrates error
- gilbert ryle
- ghost in the machine
- word confusion/category mistake
- nde
- pam reynolds
- dr blackmore- no
- hypoxia
- dr michael sabom
- hallusinations
- eben alexander-neroscientist- had nde
- ian mccormack
- consistent feutures
- co2 exp- only bio common factor
- kings college london- peter
fenwick- neuroscientist- only 10% of these cardiac
arrests with co2 only have nde's
- lad
- body vessel for soul, soul internal
- cyclical
- buddhism
- hindu
- linear
- christianity
- ressurection?
- fits in with biblical tradition:
paul 1 corinthians- .. "there is of
course a spiritual body, so
there has to be a spiritual body
- jesus
- hicks replica theory
- physical continuity - jhon locke
- islam
- immortality
- rebirth
- Enter text here
- raymond moody
- reincarnation
- dualist
- plato:forms
- descrates
- aristotle
- links
- miracles?
- lad
- psychology
- rel language
- quantum physics/mechanics