Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Stone Butch Blues: Intersectionality
- Biological sex
- Male XY
- Gender Expression
- external appearance of one's gender identity, usually
demonstrated through clothing, behavior, hair style,
voice, etc, which may or may not conform to socially
constructed standards of masculinity/ femininity
- Gender Identity
- concept of ones self as male,
female, both, or neither; can be
different from assigned sex
- Female XX
- Social Class
- Lower
- Middle
- Sexuality Orientation:
- Lesbian
- Femme
- Butch
- an emotional , romantic, and/or
sexual attraction to others
- Race
- Black
- White
- Jess
- Sexual orientation
- Lesbian
- Race
- White
- Social Class
- Lower/Middle
- Worked mostly in factories
- Biological Sex
- Female
- Gender Identity
- Female
- Expresses herself as Butch
- Trans FTM
- Momentarily passes as male