Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Molluscs
- soft muscular body
- Protected by hard shell
- They live on land and in the sea
- Snails,Octupuses,Musel,Tortoise,Oyster.
- jellyfish
- live in the sea
- they Have a soft body: umbrella
- There´s a hole under their umbrella that is anus and mouth
- They have a long tentacles
- sponges
- live in the sea
- soft bodies
- holes to breath and feed
- stay in the Seabed
- Glass sponges,Black-bald spoges
- echinoderms
- live in the sea
- protected from predator by hard spikes and brightly colours
- Five arms or up to 40
- Starfish, Sea urchin
- annelids
- they live in the sea and on land
- have a long soft body divided into some segments
- Important: the eartthworm
- Exawples
- Leach,Seaworm,earthworm
- arthropods
- Almost all animals on the Earth are arthropots
- they live everywhere
- They have a head,thorax and adnomen,jointed legs and a protected exoeskeleton
- Most are insects
- Charaterisstics
- jointed legs
- biggest group is insects
- Exoeskeleton
- Head, thorax and abdomen
- live in water, land, air and underground
- Examples
- Buttlefly
- Dragonfly
- Spider
- Scorpion
- ejempls