

Mindmap am Certificates, erstellt von Davide Cometa am 22/11/2017.
Davide Cometa
Mindmap von Davide Cometa, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Davide Cometa
Erstellt von Davide Cometa vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Standard formats for public key certificates
    1. PKCS #6
      1. X.509 ver. 3
        1. Support extensions of information contained inside the certificate
          1. Public extensions
            1. Key and policy informations
              1. Subject and issuer attributes
                1. certification path constraints
                  1. CRL distribution points
                  2. Private extensions
                    1. Critical


                      • If the relying party is not capable of understanding a given extension, the certificate must be rejected.
                      1. Non critical


                        • If the relying party is not capable to understand a given extension the certificate can be used anyway, discarding that information.
                      2. Provides also a standard format for CRL
                        1. X.509 CRL ver 2
                          1. CRL-specific extensions
                            1. Entry-specific extensions
                        2. PGP
                          1. SPKI
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