Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Pollutant
- sources
- anthropic
- fixed
- area
- mobile
- natural
- biogeochemistry
- microbial
- Erosion
- volcanic
- Quantification
- Quantitative
- Measurements
- Material balance
- Emission factors
- Qualitative
- Color pattern
- Classification
- Origin
- Primary
- Secundary
- Toxicity
- Criterion
- No Criterion
- Type of pollutant
- CxHy
- MP
- H2O
- SOx
- CO
- NOx
- CO2
- environment + Pressure +
transportation phenomena
- Real
- Dispersion Model
- Study of air quality
- Ideal Natural
- Contaminant Relationship
- Population
- Ecosystem
- Economic
- Normativity
- Protocol for the monitoring
and monitoring of Air
- Resolution 650 of 2010 Establishes the
methodologies and procedures for
monitoring and monitoring air quality
- Manual of Air Quality
Monitoring Design
- Operation manual for Air
Quality Monitoring
- Resolution 2154 of 2010 Modify the Protocol
for Monitoring and Monitoring of Air Quality
(Resolution 650 of 2010)
- Prevention and control of air
pollution and protection of air
- Decree 948 of 1995 Contains the Regulation of
Protection and Control of Air Quality of scope
and applicable throughout the territory
- Decree 979 of 2006
Modification of articles 7, 10,
93 and 108 of Decree 948 of
- Air Quality Standard
for the entire National
- Resolution 601 of
- Resolution 610 of 2010 that
amended the resolution
601 of 2006
- Modify Article 4 (Maximum
Levels Permissible for
Contaminants Criteria)
- Modify Article 5 (Permissible
Maximum Levels for
- Modify Article 10 (Declaration of the
Levels of Prevention, Alert and
- Resolution 2254 amended resolution
610 of 2010 the maximum
permissible levels of maximum air
- CONPES document 3344
- Guidelines for the formulation of the
policy of prevention and control of air
- Sources of Contamination
- Point Sources
- Resolution 909 of 2008
Establish the norms and
standards of admissible
emission of pollutants to the
atmosphere by fixed sources
- Resolution 935 of 2011 Establish the
methods for the assessment of
contami- nate emissions by fixed
sources and determine the number
of tests
- Mobile Sources
- Resolution 910 of 2008 Regulate the
permissible levels of emission of
pollutants that must be fulfilled by land
mobile sources
- Resolution 1111 of 2013 by
which the resolution 910 of 2008
is modified
- Environmental education
- Treatment System