
Mindmap am P-E-I-R, erstellt von natalia ruiz mendez am 22/11/2017.
natalia ruiz mendez
Mindmap von natalia ruiz mendez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
natalia ruiz mendez
Erstellt von natalia ruiz mendez vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

    1. Pollutant
      1. sources
        1. anthropic
          1. fixed
            1. area
              1. mobile
              2. natural
                1. biogeochemistry
                  1. microbial
                    1. Erosion
                      1. volcanic
                    2. Quantification
                      1. Quantitative
                        1. Measurements
                          1. Material balance
                            1. Emission factors
                            2. Qualitative
                              1. Color pattern
                            3. Classification
                              1. Origin
                                1. Primary
                                  1. Secundary
                                  2. Toxicity
                                    1. Criterion
                                      1. No Criterion
                                    2. Type of pollutant
                                      1. CxHy
                                        1. MP
                                          1. H2O
                                            1. SOx
                                              1. CO
                                                1. NOx
                                                  1. CO2
                                              2. STATE
                                                1. environment + Pressure + transportation phenomena
                                                  1. Real
                                                    1. Dispersion Model
                                                      1. Study of air quality
                                                      2. Ideal Natural
                                                    2. IMPACT
                                                      1. Contaminant Relationship
                                                        1. Population
                                                          1. Ecosystem
                                                            1. Economic
                                                          2. ANSWER
                                                            1. Normativity
                                                              1. Protocol for the monitoring and monitoring of Air Quality
                                                                1. Resolution 650 of 2010 Establishes the methodologies and procedures for monitoring and monitoring air quality
                                                                  1. Manual of Air Quality Monitoring Design
                                                                    1. Operation manual for Air Quality Monitoring
                                                                      1. Resolution 2154 of 2010 Modify the Protocol for Monitoring and Monitoring of Air Quality (Resolution 650 of 2010)
                                                                    2. Prevention and control of air pollution and protection of air quality
                                                                      1. Decree 948 of 1995 Contains the Regulation of Protection and Control of Air Quality of scope and applicable throughout the territory
                                                                        1. Decree 979 of 2006 Modification of articles 7, 10, 93 and 108 of Decree 948 of 1995
                                                                      2. Air Quality Standard for the entire National territory
                                                                        1. Resolution 601 of 2006
                                                                          1. Resolution 610 of 2010 that amended the resolution 601 of 2006
                                                                            1. Modify Article 4 (Maximum Levels Permissible for Contaminants Criteria)
                                                                              1. Modify Article 5 (Permissible Maximum Levels for Non-Conventional Contaminants)
                                                                                1. Modify Article 10 (Declaration of the Levels of Prevention, Alert and Emergency)
                                                                                  1. Resolution 2254 amended resolution 610 of 2010 the maximum permissible levels of maximum air pollutants
                                                                              2. CONPES document 3344
                                                                                1. Guidelines for the formulation of the policy of prevention and control of air pollutants
                                                                                2. Sources of Contamination
                                                                                  1. Point Sources
                                                                                    1. Resolution 909 of 2008 Establish the norms and standards of admissible emission of pollutants to the atmosphere by fixed sources
                                                                                      1. Resolution 935 of 2011 Establish the methods for the assessment of contami- nate emissions by fixed sources and determine the number of tests
                                                                                      2. Mobile Sources
                                                                                        1. Resolution 910 of 2008 Regulate the permissible levels of emission of pollutants that must be fulfilled by land mobile sources
                                                                                          1. Resolution 1111 of 2013 by which the resolution 910 of 2008 is modified
                                                                                    2. Environmental education
                                                                                      1. Treatment System
                                                                                      Zusammenfassung anzeigen Zusammenfassung ausblenden

                                                                                      ähnlicher Inhalt

                                                                                      Einstufungstest Italienisch Niveau A1.2
                                                                                      TOEFL/ IELTS-Vokabeln
                                                                                      Vokabeln für Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege
                                                                                      PuKW STEP 4 (mögliche Prüfungsfragen/Prüfungsvorbereitung)
                                                                                      frau planlos
                                                                                      Einführung für GoConqr - Ausführlich
                                                                                      Laura Overhoff
                                                                                      Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten
                                                                                      Flo Ma
                                                                                      Business-Englisch - Präsentieren
                                                                                      Antonia C
                                                                                      FOST 4 - Inferenzstatistik 2 und qualitative Methoden
                                                                                      Kathy H
                                                                                      Vetie AVO 2016
                                                                                      Johanna Müller