Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- The 4 areas of Brazil
- North-East Brazil
- Coastal lowlands
- Brazilian Highlands
- Amazon Rainforest
- Location
- South America
- Biggest country in South America
- Equator goes through the top
- Rainforest
- Shrub layer
- Under-canopy
- Canopy
- Emergents
- Canopy is the thickest layer
- It is a tropical Rainforest
- The plants have to fight for sunlight
- This is because all the plants are so well adapted for growing
it the conditions that they are in
- Convection Rainfall Cycle
- Cumulus clouds producing rain
- Cumulo-nimbus clouds
- Think about the water cycle
- Very high rain clouds
- Sometimes over 10km high
- The sun is nearly overhead all year round
- Water droplets collide and grow bigger
- They become too heavy to stay suspended in the air
- The
- Atlantic
- South
- Pacific
- Cities
- Capital is: Brasília
- Rio is one of the biggest cities
- 4 zones in Rio
- Barra
- Was empty 15 years ago
- South Zone
- Lots of crime
- Rochina
- 1/3rd of Rio’s population live in favelas
- New Favelas