Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- lad beliefs
- linear
- christanity
- monism
- bible evidence?
- ressurection- jesus
- cyclical
- buddhists
- rebirth
- hindu
- reincarnation?
- nde/oe? evidence?
- pamala reynolds
- temp dead? clincally
- partial brain remouved
- dr eben alexander - neuroscientist- had nde- now believes real!
- ian maccormack
- jelly fish sting- near death or clincaclly dead
- dr blackmore- not real even thouugh had her own
- explanable by other exp
- hypoxia
- supported by jet piolets experiencing same thing in high altitude
- dr michael sabom
- hallusinations
- consistant feutures? or inconsistent-
does it make it valid or reliable?
- other exp- like psychological-want t
believe or make it up as you understand it
that way
- difficult to scientifically validate? until proof by afterlie?
- evidence for both lad and soul- mostly dualism
- co2 exp- common bip factor
- kings college london- peter fenwick- only
10% of these caridaick arrests with co2
have nde's
- ghosts'spirits
- soul immerterial-immeserable and s no
way to validate?
- hick-escatological
verification- death find out
- regression of past life
under hypnosis
- logical positivism- soul= meaningless as it is
incoherant and doesnt comply to verification