Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Why the league failed
- Set out to prevent aggression; encourage cooperation;
work towards disarmament; prevent major war
- Failed.
- Success- improving lives of ordinary people
- Combating slavery+poor working conditions
- Wasn't main purpose
- USA refusal = Brit+France-difficult task: not
that strong
- Depression made political situation tought
- No organisation could have stopped Mussolini+Hitler
- Mussolini+Hitler+Japan were part of LON, could've have
worked harder than against
- L.O.N had to defend a settlement after WW1
- Many nations thought was unfair
- Early successes in preserving
peace between minor powers
- Helped rebuild Europe
- Aided refugees
- Improved health+labour conditions
- Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928
- Provided groundwork for UN
- Manchurian Crisis = turning point. L.O.N should have resisted Japan
- Too many members didn't keep to the rules
- Britain+France didn't lead strongly
- Very slow to do things
- Mussolini+Hitler weren't dealt with strongly
- No cooperation = secret alliances
- Rise of Dictators
- Manchurian crisis 1931
- Failed to disarm
- G+J left in 1933
- Abyssinian Crisis 1935
- Rome-Berlin Axis 1936
- German Aggression
- Italy left 1937
- USSR expelled 1939
- Powerless to prevent WW2