
Mindmap am WEATHER and CLIMATE, erstellt von Begoña Sanz Rubio am 06/12/2017.
Begoña Sanz Rubio
Mindmap von Begoña Sanz Rubio, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Begoña Sanz Rubio
Erstellt von Begoña Sanz Rubio vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

    1. Professional meteorologist predict weather by using hundred of measuring devices to collect information about rainfall, temperature, sunshine, wind speed...
      1. The information collected is sent to the weather stations that send information to the weather forecast centres. Once we have the data, we put it in graphs to help us interpret the information and make preditions.
        1. We can see weather forecast on TV, internet, newspaper or the radio. We use weather maps with symbols to show visual predictions.
          1. Weather can affect all aspects of our lives including the economy and our health.
        2. Weather satellites
          1. Weather balloons
        3. CLIMATES
          1. Climate describes the main weather characteristics of a place.
            1. Three main climate categories:
              1. POLAR climates are cold all year around.
                1. TEMPERATE climates have mild temperatures, hot summers and cold winters.
                  1. TROPICAL climates are warm all year round and have rainy seasons.
                2. CLIMATES IN SPAIN
                  1. OCEANIC climates are mild and rainy.
                    1. MOUNTAIN climates have very low temperatures in winter and mild temperatures in summer. Precipitation falls as snow.
                      1. MEDITERRANEAN - CONTINENTAL climates experience very low temperaturas in winter and very high ones in summer. It rain little.
                        1. SUBTROPICAL climates have mild temperaturas all year round.
                          1. MEDITERRANEAN climates experience high temperaturas in summer and wild winters.
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