Zusammenfassung der Ressource
What he hath lost noble Macbeth
- ironic
- 'Noble' the first we hear about Macbeth is how great
he is, what the Thane lost, Macbeth gains.
- Macbeth is loyal
- good follower, punishing the Thane who was agaisnt Duncan -muntiny
- Duncan murdered- he
becomes king.
- Good follower,
- The witches make him lose all his pride
and trust in others
- Shakespeare uses irony to show the descent of
Macbeth. By using the phrase 'what he hath lost
noble Macbeth hath won', it shows that at the very
beginning Macbeth is thought of very highly. By
using the word 'noble' it gives us the idea that the
king trusts Macbeth, which is ironic since Macbeth
is the one that kills him. Macbeth is presented as a
weak, fickle character, in the morning he kills a
man for going agaisnt Duncan, but that night, he
kills Duncan led on by his wife, Lady Macbeth.
Once this is done, Macbeth is no longer referred to
as noble but as a tyrant. While Macbeth is greedy
he is led on by his ambition, the ambition that got
him highly praises comes back to haunt him after
commiting a crime.