Character Development


semi-finals 2017
gabby longlivebooks4
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gabby longlivebooks4
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Character Development
  1. Introduction
    1. symbolism of the tree


      • man is said to be like a tree planted by the water. leaves= results of actions trunk= character roots=basic attitudes
      1. psalm 1


        • They are like a tree planted by the water their leaves will never wither.
      2. section1: how character is formed
        1. the working definition of character


          • the inner life of man that will precisely reflect either the traits of the lower( sin) nature being influenced by the world or the traits of the higher (divine) nature being influenced by the word of God.
          1. definition of grace


            • the God given desire and ablity to accomplish God's will
            1. reacting vs responding


              • reacting- acting on flood of emotions responding- listing to God and his will over worldly emotions.
            2. section 2: principles of character
              1. romans 12:2


                • and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and perfect and acceptable.
                1. matthew 7:17


                  • like wise every good tree will bear good fruit, but every bad tree will bear bad fruit.
                  1. be-attitudes and do-actions + opposite root problems


                    • see chart in section two
                    1. matthew 5:3-16


                      • the be-attitudes and the do-actions verses
                      1. roman 12:21


                        • do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with God.
                      2. section 3: the be-attitudes
                        1. root 1
                          1. basic root of all of mans' problems


                            • man's basic nature is in rebellion of God. His natural indication is to rule over his own life, heap up treasures for himself, glory in his own strength and abilty and trust in his own wisdom. Left to himself, he is foolish, self-centered, and proud.
                            1. first of six thing God hates


                              • evil
                              1. james 4:6


                                • but he gives us more grace this is why scriptures says; God opposed the proud but gives grace to the humble.
                              2. root 3
                                1. root of hatred and strife


                                  • because of man's basic sinful self-centered nature he is unwilling to humble himself in asking forgiveness for wrongs he has committed he also finds it difficult to forgive others and thereby harbors resentment and bitterness. He is easily offended and continues to retaliate by offending others.
                                  1. matthew 6:12-15


                                    • forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one for is you forgiven men when they sin against you, your heavenly father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your father will not forgive your sins.
                                    1. how many times should we forgive?


                                      • 70*7 we should not even count it is such a high number.
                                      1. eph. 4;3-- why we forgive others


                                        • because christ forgave us we did nothing to deserve it. 
                                        1. matthew 5:43-44


                                          • the world says the love your nieghbors but to hate your enemy but the bible says to love your enemys and to pray for them.
                                        2. root2
                                          1. root problem of murder and strife


                                            • because of man's basic sinful nature, he tends to react to life sitations in selfish anger when his rights are violated or when something keeps from fulfilling his selfish desires.
                                            1. james 1:19-20


                                              • my dear brothers take note of this : everyone should be quick to to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
                                              1. three type of angry


                                                • 1. short-fuse anger 2. teakettle anger 3. day-in-court anger
                                                1. righteous anger


                                                  • angry about something that effects the kingdom of God or the people in his kingdom.
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