weaknesess of NHS design


exam question mind maps Mindmap am weaknesess of NHS design, erstellt von Jen Collins am 01/06/2013.
Jen Collins
Mindmap von Jen Collins, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jen Collins
Erstellt von Jen Collins vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

weaknesess of NHS design
  1. failed to predict economic costs
    1. had to impose prescription charges
    2. national sickness service
      1. dr fix all approach adopted
        1. cure rather than prevention
      2. resources spent on hospital care rather than community and preventative sevices
        1. resources were unequally shared between hospitals and regions
          1. led to unequal distribution of good health around the country
          2. uneven distrubution of funds in the hospital
            1. acute services got the most funding
            2. racial discrimination and sexism
              1. seperation of health and social care
                1. private practice in NHS lead to 2-tiered system
                    1. all of these led to a lack of equality and accessibility
                      1. G.P'S gate keepers of the NHS
                        1. lack democratic responsibility
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